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restaurant steak 48 gets dragged for minimum spending requirement

True but think about how the restaurant industry has changed. A lot of people who didn't have money to go to some of these spots have a little change now. So there's no way for the establishment to know based on how someone is dressed who really has it like that. That's why they make the covertly racist and discrimination filled dress code. It's the only way for them to weed out the people that they don't want without coming straight out and telling them you can't come.

Again I agree on the dress code argument, I have lived it

I’m just talking about the spending requirement. You saying the same spot is pairing those policies together?
Right because we all know the best way to combat racism is to simply walk away.

If a fine dining restaurant refuse service to someone it’s not because skin color it’s because they don’t want their business. That’s on them. There’s nothing at risk to the person walking away which costs nothing. Better to spend you time and money on someone worth it.
And how exactly to you expect us to burn down this house?

This place has locations in Chicago, Houston, Philly, Phoenix, and Charlotte. Phoenix is the least Black city of all their locations and it just so happens to be the only one without a dress code. There are more Black people who go to the Chicago, Houston, Philly, and Charlotte locations than Phoenix but why is the dress code not across the board at every location?

Why is Phoenix excluded from the dress code?

So you wanna shut them down and not worry about the policy at all? Okay well how are we gonna shut them down?

You know what would be more effective and would make them change that dress code in a weekend? If niggas showed up at the Chicago, Houston, Philly, Charlotte, and Phoenix locations and protested and demanded that they fix the language in that dress code. bet that switch that shit up real quick.

But no, you have a master plan on how we can organize and get them shutdown for good so let's hear it Pythagoras.

Bruh, who said anything about shutting down a chain? We're talking this one particular location. If it's part of a conglomerate fine, losing a location would still hurt and they're probably change the rule anyway to prevent further damage.

And shutting down restaurants isn't as hard as you're making it seem. They go out of business all the time, even moreso during this pandemic

Also, weren't you just trying to lecture me about needing to fight even if it's hard. Now your argument is that we should go for the easy win over the more meaningful statement? Ok