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Real or no? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for joking about Jada at the Oscars

Was it ever confirmed if Will was sleeping with Margot Robbie? I never really understood the cuck comments if they had an open marriage and he was just quieter about who he was with. He also wasn't sleeping with the house guest
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If you'd never seen the clip and you just read this thread you'd think Will Smith powerbombed Rock thru the stage and had to be restrained by all 10 of the black entertainers in the room

If Will had all this pent up rage and aggression from the last two year and all he could muster was that smack then maybe it wasn't as heavy as yall implying.

Idk. Just maybe
naw fam
So just because he was aware he wouldn’t feel disrespected by her? Can you even feel disrespected if you’re not aware? And can he be aware but her actions becoming public not also be disrespectful?

The same way people want Will to feel disrespected others want him to be cool with the bullshit, lol.
No one wants him to be cool with it, we want him to be Will with it.

Every time I see Will he seems to be cool with it. Why ain't that enough? Why tie things that got nothing to do with each other and try to form a string of him not being cool with something from years ago?
According to Will what August did was all in the game

🤣 And we supposed to attempt to understand that sort of fuckery and not call this a weirdo cuck for letting a druggie that his kid's friend, fuck his wife and then let his wife expose him.

Men who got pride and standards about themselves don't understand shit about Will Smith slapping Chris over a harmless bald joke.

Women understand it because that's the type of shit women do. Women have no problem crashing their men at any sign of disrespect. Women sent plenty of men to prison and the grave over bullshit.

But you know what, Will on that cuck shit, so I'ma let him rock.

Wouldn't be me though, I would've polished Jada's head and laughed my ass off.
They obviously have an agreement in their relationship whether that be open relationship or ENM, poly, whatever so why is that being brought up in a situation of a comedian discussing HAIR?

Because no one cares about the truth of the lie (joke) is more entertaining.

It’s gross.

Big Willie Style a hip-hop classic to me ... Hearing him jam to all those joints on there in the Vanity Fair gig my highlight of this thread

Fresh Prince (the rapper) >>> Actor
Let's circle back to you being OK to someone talking about your wife any kinda way and Will Smith not being ok with that

Can it not be simply for the love of your wife and her medical condition that you'd smack the taste out a nigga mouth??

Not knock him out. Cause he didn't do that. Not stomp him out. Cause he didn't do that.

He simply popped what I assume to be a friend or at least an acquaintance in the mouth and let him know it's up there if he keep talking about his wife

Took some shit out om him would have been him dog walking Rock across the stage
First off let’s back off of saying I’d be ok with someone talking to my wife that way playboy, cause I wouldn’t. Shit wouldn’t have even made it to that point.

Secondly, it’s the Oscars and niggas going to get clowned and that’s what they signed up for. Don’t like it, don’t go. People keep saying Rock knew she had alopecia as if he tunes into all of her personal shit. Matter of fact, how many people on this board even knew that shit? She had short hair so long I thought she just like it like that.

Nigga just told a joke and Will want to put his toughness on display to counter the narrative that he’s weak.

That’s my outsiders opinion. I could be right, could be wrong. But so could you.