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Poll [Rd1] Goat Movie Tournament: The Wizard of Oz vs Eyes Wide Shut

Better Movie?

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Another black poster you start an issue with, that militant shit looking funny in the light

Militant are know to be intolerant towards non militant. A person with a decent grasp of history would know this. Plus how you know he is black? Quick to defend lately.
One movie is a 75% on rotten tomatoes and another is at 98% but because they don’t agree with the subject matter or it doesn’t interest them niggas is making this competitive

wizard of Oz is unquestionably a top 10 movie ever made since movies began and eyes wide shut not even a top 10 movie of its decade

shits crazy
Timeless to who? Y’all still watching wizard of oz?
Timeless to Cinema, period

It gets played on cable....every year
It's has been remastered and redid numerous of times
The book has been rewritten from different POV and they all best sellers

The joint is a piece of American History that surprisingly doesn't involve a nigga being beat or hung.

And Judy Garland was that chick. Don't matter if you still watching it today or 30yrs ago, the shit stood the test of time and is timeless
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