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Rank Series: Ghostface vs Andre 3000

Matter of fact @Goldie ...if we can set up a TC for a Saturday afternoon or a Sunday afternoon I’ll debate you on this topic frfr...I just don’t wanna do all that typing right now and I’m sure just like you I got mad points for and against both

Bet, I've been waiting to debate somebody on TC. Just let me know fam.
GFK Albums had a feature on like 80% of the songs and sometimes multiple dudes on 1 track

Aint exactly going to call that solo with a nigga on damn near every track

Mutherfucka, so does 3K

It's why Goldie constantly saying OUTKAST and not 3000

Bet, I've been waiting to debate somebody on TC. Just let me know fam.

No doubt bro...I’ll let you know right now for me tha best times I’ll have to actually sit still long enough is Saturday’s 2-7 or Sundays 11-5...those pretty much my guaranteed “sit still” times...any other times I could possibly on tha move lol
MF doom, take a seat for now fam.

Bulletproof wallets is a classic? lol cmon man.

Outkast actually does have 3 classics in a row.

"he had everybody changing their name" :dfbruh:

Is anybody down to have a real debate?
yup when does the album get weak ? Screenshot_20190306-223216_Chrome.jpg
If ghost had a ghostwriter he would've fell off after him and dude b fell out. Ghost pen been healthy from 36 to wu block
We're changing things up for the next part of the series.

Now you have to explain your choices using a 5 point system. For each criteria explain why you chose to give the rapper the point. If you're trolling or just saying anything your vote won't count.

The Criteria

Every criteria is 1 point

- Catalog

- Influence ( influence on their peers and the generation who followed)

- Impact (sales, hits , movements)

- Content ( self explanatory)

- Bars/Flow ( self explanatory)

Catalog - Ghost (1)

Niggaz stay puttin emphasis on solo albums... I don't think havin solo albums makes you a better rapper... case in point, Method Man is one of the best rappers in Wu but his "catalog"... well, you get the picture...

With that said, I can't say 3k has one so Ghost takes this cuz even if you factor in Outkast's albums you'd havta include Wu's, and Rae's shit might as well be Ghost's shit... And vice versa...

Influence - 3k (1)

Easily... his top tier peers have gone on the record of acknowledging 3k's greatness... 3k was singing and playing with his voice before Kanye... if 808's birthed these emo singers 3k impersonators are winning right now... not to mention his influences on Kendrick, J. Cole and Krit...

I'm tryin not to be bias... Curren$y, Griselda, Roc Marciano, Bronson... all owe something to Ghost...

Impact - 3k (2)

Again, if we discounted 3k's shit as Outkast, we'd havta bar Ghost's Wu shit as well... Outkast sold a lot of records... I'm not tryna search for receipts but I wanna say they got Wu on sales... prove me wrong...

Wu as a movement got diehards all over the world but there are people who don't know what a Ghostface Killah is...

Content - 3k (3)

This is hard because both of these guys are great storytellers... Ghost's are more exciting while 3k's more insightful... This point is subjective...

Bars/Flow - 3k (4)

For every "Shakey Dog" and "One" flow there's a "Return of the Gangsta", "Aquemini", "Black Ice", "B.O.B.", "Gangsta Shit" flow...

I can go either way as far as "bars"...

3k ftw...
Im partial to ghostface because of Wu Tang as a whole. And i feel like his wu tang membership boosts his influence. But Andre 3000 is higher to me because they pretty much hit the mark on everything but Andre a better rapper. Ghost my nigga but its whole verses i cant decipher yet
Andre a better rapper. Outkast literally put ATL on the map when NYC was the inly region people cared for. A slew of classic material. Like wu tang is my favorite group but cmon now.
I would have voted for Ghost... He has influenced the style of countless MCs and made a sub culture (is that a thing??? lol) of hip hop heads to emo kids who dont even like rap but are fans of him and Wu... He also has classic group and solo albums...
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Catalog - I gotta go with Ghost. The Wu albums, the 2 Cuban Linx albums, and his solos put him over the top easy. So I got Ghost here.

Influence - This one is tough. Wu had a way bigger influence on the East Coast and Outkast had a way bigger impact on the South. In 2019, Outkast is bigger in the US, but Wu is bigger internationally. If this was Wu Tang Vs. Outkast, id say this is a tie but since its Ghost vs. 3K, I'll give to 3K, cause individually being 1/2 of one of the most influential duos goes further than being 1/9th of one of the most influential groups. Andre takes this.

Content - This is tough too. Ghost does spit gibberish at times but Ghost also has touched on a million different topics. Since Ghost got way more content, its not fair to count him out of this cause he be on some bs at times. I'm gonna give this to Ghost but cant argue with someone who says it should be Andre. So Ghost got it.

Impact - Same as influence. You can make the argument that Wu and Outkast have the same amount of impact overall, but Andre is more impactful than Ghostface if you put them head to head. Andre got this.

Bars/Flow - Two of the best in both categories. Id say Ghost got the better flow and Andre got the better bars but they both elite in both. Im gonna give it to Ghost cause but its a preference thing.

Overall I got Ghost barely but I can make a argument for 3k too and cant argue with either choice.
I was listening to Raekwons OB4CL2 this morning at the gym. I was listening to the song Gihad featuring Ghostface.

If you're unfamiliar, Ghostface raps about getting head from this girl that his son got pregnant. The son walks in and begins a confrontation. Ghostface slaps his child for the disrespect and to teach him a lesson on not impregnating whores because the son should have been able to recall the time he and Ghostface and friends ran a train on her. Yet, ghost's son still decides to have pre marital relations with her without the use of a condom.

After the altercation and ghostface barely escaping with his life, Ghost begins to talk to his son during the outro.

He tells his son something along the lines of: "Go to the store and get me a 40 and go get a steak out of the freezer for your eye. Put some bologna on your face or something. Make sure my 40 is cold too and when you get back, bag this shit up. Matter fact get you a 40 too and a pacifier."

For this alone, Ghost wins.

Btw, in the story the kid is a youngin working for Ghost, so Ghost calls him his son. Its not really his son, and the seed isnt his grandkid.
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I'd give it to Ghost just because he's been more active and he has one of the better discographies in hip hop.
Yall really bringing the bs ghostwriting claims up?

I thought the point was to be objective and not try to get the dude you want to win like yall doing.
Btw, in the story the kid is a youngin working for Ghost, so Ghost calls him his son. Its not really his son, and the seed isnt his grandkid.
I was wondering why someone would run a train on a girl with their dad. Not the typical family dynamic but i try not to judge people