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Random Lady Thoughts

We're not having sex :cry: something his brother tried and now he all happy and shit so he wanna do it too :disnig:
girl, I hope wack dick wasn't sum1 he knows... even if u aint exclusive, doubt he gon be pleased to hear u fuckin other niggas

men r hypocrites, title or no title
how he gonna have a lil dick n not know how to use it


I feel like tho that we may be doing an injustice for those of us that aren't letting these men know or lying on their dick

Last man that pulled that I got right up out the bed and told him about his-self.
Ladies!!! He gonna text me that he think he fucked my cycle on

:gtfoh: [;'.I wanna tell him so bad that nah, all that dry humping scrapped up my vagina walls :jordan:
@his imaginary accomplishment.

He thank he dun did somethin but barely scratched the surface?
Let him know as public service so he doesn't keep doing it to other women lol
@Race Jones

So I am not a vegetarian although I don't eat a ton of meat and I am curious-can you give me a sample of a daily menu that you eat?

Lovely avi BTW :)
@Race Jones

So I am not a vegetarian although I don't eat a ton of meat and I am curious-can you give me a sample of a daily menu that you eat?

Lovely avi BTW :)

Thanks pretty lady!!

morning: I usually have oatmeal and banana or I may have a tofu scramble with tomatoes and mushrooms (it sounds gross but its pretty good), whole wheat pancakes sometimes (no syrup...I just hate syrup) or muesli

lunch: I usually have a wide range of things.
rice and lentil salad, salmon and brown rice, vegan tacos (just vegetables, vegan cheese and salsa), maybe a tofu wrap, I eat a lot of sauteed vegetables. I also Blanch my vegetables a lot. so Im always eating raw vegetables .... always. Um I may do a veggie burger and sweet potato fries. I may do a three been salad. It all depends. (this is my heaviest meal of the day)

for dinner:
I usually have some type of salad or vegetable spaghetti using squash noodles.
I try to be festive with my salads so it can range from a green salad (cucumbers, asparagus, spinach) to mango and orange cauliflower salad (its sounds nasty but its sooooo good)

I have to be honest, I just started eating healthy again.
Ive been "vegetarian" for 6 years but Ive been eating processed foods for like 3 years lmaooo
I work downtown and there are so many eateries and its hard to make healthy choices when youre always on the go

also my diet is not very sociable. Like when Im invited out to dinner or events (which is alllll the time) I cant eat whats there and I feel awkward because I cant really participate if that makes sense.

Im always out on the weekends with friends and loved ones so I really stopped being so strict because I wanted to enjoy good food with the ppl I love. (Im also a Taurus and we loveeee food)

but now Im back on it because Im getting older and about to be a teacher and I really need to start taking control of my health. period.
Thank you!

The reasons you listed @Race Jones are what gets me about eating. In America, it is such a social event and it is so available! Add in the schedule (I can be gone from home from 7-8 some days) I keep and I need stuff that is convenient but filling-I am one of those people that when eating right need a lot of protein to feel full. Veggies/fruit just won't cut it but are the most portable. Add this to my ginormous sweet tooth and it's just all bad lol
Thank you!

The reasons you listed @Race Jones are what gets me about eating. In America, it is such a social event and it is so available! Add in the schedule (I can be gone from home from 7-8 some days) I keep and I need stuff that is convenient but filling-I am one of those people that when eating right need a lot of protein to feel full. Veggies/fruit just won't cut it but are the most portable. Add this to my ginormous sweet tooth and it's just all bad lol

lmaooo yes I totally understand.
and Im not one of those veggies that try to control ppls lifestyle choices.

I say do what works for you and plus you have a great figure.
sooooo its clear meat does the body good as well. lol
Guhl i can only "imagine' what your crop looks like. Straight butter baby! I know it's gorgeous.
Lol it's been a battle since I first laid off the Creamy crack, Reesey cup. Like today it was extra windy and my fro was just sitting sideways, smh. It made me miss throwing it in a ponytail and just moving on with my day.
Do yall have any online stores yall shop at?

my bday is coming up and I need a banging party dress.

I want something like this: