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R.I.P. Chevy Impala

I got so many homeboys who've owned 95's and 96's. In Atlanta these things were hood ROYALTY! lol

My boy Rob still has his grey/green 95. My nikka Pierre still has Dark Cherry 96 and my nikka Roc had his black 96 stolen from his girls apt years ago. KJ had the candy purple 96 on 22's. I could go on and on.....

I alawys went back and forth on gettin' a 72, 73 or 75 Imp, but never pulled the trigger.
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I remember this lil Spanish E5 let me drive her husband 96 while he was deployed. Shit was so smooth, I fell in love immediately.

Took me weeks to realize she was throwing it at me.......
Its prolly part of a marketing scheme to "bring back the impala" in 5yrs.

Bet they got plans already drawn up for the nxt generation model with bigger price tag

My 1st whip was a Lincoln Continental.

Lincoln killed the Continental in 2002. They just "brought it back" in 2017 with increased price.

Bro, this isn't really a marketing ploy. This is part of the reason GM closed down those plants. They are getting rid of most of their cars in their line up.

Car company's are now mainly just focusing on Crossovers and SUV's. My pops worked for Ford for 30 years and he doesn't really like what's goin' on now, but Ford is also getting rid of all their cars except for the Focus (and even that's just gonna be a hatchback/crossover) and Mustang.

Oh yeah, the Continental that just came back out after 14 years (in 2016 model year 2017) will be DISCONTINUED by 2020. It's a nice cars w/ nice ass features (your gonna pay tho, lol) but it ain't selling.

As crazy as it sounds right now, sedans just aren't moving the needle. This company's are actually losing $ on sedans of all sizes. It's just where the car industry is @ right now and for the foreseeable future.............. until the economy tanks and everyone wants gas efficient cars again.