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Question...is there rules to a street fight

see yo punk pussy ass never been in a fight or altercation in yo life

shit can always escalate pussy boy

you can’t be chicity no more you make them tough ass niggas look bad

yo new name is p-valley
See how long that stick
Nigga just say you can't fight and we can end this.
I'll do you one better, I DON'T fight

Fighting random bozos in the streets honorably advances nothing in my life
Fighting random bozos in the streets honorably don't put no money in my pockets
Fighting random bozos in the streets honorably don'tnraise my GTA stats one bit

Lol @ you doofuses being 30+ and happy that you others know you can throw hands

I rather you know I end altercations,. Quickly
Lotta y'all got way too much pride tied up in keeping things "fair". Plenty of fair fights have ended with folks seriously hurt or dead because you're at your opponents mercy when you limit yourself to a ruleset or code of honor.
Lotta y'all got way too much pride tied up in keeping things "fair". Plenty of fair fights have ended with folks seriously hurt or dead because you're at your opponents mercy when you limit yourself to a ruleset or code of honor.
talk to these niggas man
Ima just say do what you have to do.

Me personally I wouldn’t stop out somebody that’s unconscious.

But if you feel you need to take a brick to somebody head or pull out that hammer during the altercation it’s all good to me
I have no issues throwing hands. But I'm also fully aware a situation can go stupid at any time. You put your hands on somebody... Be prepared for anything 🤷🏿‍♂️