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Pulling Mister B's coon card 🦝...

Lol I'm not. I'm just acknowledging its impact. It's a discussion worth having, especially since ppl throw "feelings" under the bus like they aren't valued.

its not worth having. you legit compared 5 percenters to white nationalist ???? thats like comparing the Black panthers to the KKK

again, hurt feelings has no comparison in regards to the extensive and ongoing abuse to Black people. Anti-Blackness is global and youre comparing this caste system that functions to exterminate Blackness at every level to individual feelings ???

one persons hurt feelings doesnt hold a flame to countless amount of Black people living in a constant state of disembodiment

its a waste of time
meaning what? him calling you a bigot means what?
It means that if I was wrong, he would've brushed it off, just like I do with all his sucker-ass lies about me being a Democrat.

The fact that he was THAT pissy in his wannabe pro-black pussy to MAKE this coward-ass thread is all the Ether I need.

And stop trying to re-write the English language. I posted the literal definition of bigotry AND racism. If the shoe fits that Size 10....just fuckin own it.

The fact that we got even MORE deflection - now toward how I feel or don't feel about Biden (and for the record.....FUCK JOE BIDEN) - means duke will never take accountability for his bigorty/possible racist behavior.

Spin Doctor Supreme here will tell you everything....except that he's Feds AND full of more lady parts than you (which ain't saying much). And only those that got beef with me refuse to actually see it. Everyone else who's been neutral here pretty much peeped duke style.

**Awaits the inevitable deflection coming, yet again**
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its not worth having. you legit compared 5 percenters to white nationalist ???? thats like comparing the Black panthers to the KKK

again, hurt feelings has no comparison in regards to the extensive and ongoing abuse to Black people. Anti-Blackness is global and youre comparing this caste system that functions to exterminate Blackness at every level to individual feelings ???

one persons hurt feelings doesnt hold a flame to countless amount of Black people living in a constant state of disembodiment

its a waste of time

i dont know much about 5 percenters or hebrews tbh. im going off the extremist fringe element ive seen on social media. some of the ideology is definitely similar. at a basic level, nationalism is nationalism is nationalism. but i know they don't represent the majority of that group. for instance, i'm not going to cast all muslims as jihadists because an orthodox group on the fringes of the religion are causing terror.
me still having no idea what's going on in this thread

Who the fuck said anything about killing you??

I knew you were pussy, but good God..........

Look at you

You should've just liked the post if that's all you can say back

You acknowledge the exaggeration but didn't deny the rest

You're guilty

We're done here

Lock this shit

Nah. You hate me and want me dead for saying the same thing but actually meaning it and living by it

Who the fuck said anything about killing you??

I knew you were pussy, but good God....

No WONDER you want to rat me out to whomever you think is my boss.



Yall niggas wild man.

That you want me dead shit came outta nowhere....
