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Pulling Mister B's coon card 🦝...

Wouldn't consider him a TV dad....his kid was grown and out of the house....

What?! Lol

So what about Fred G. Sanford then?? Lamont was grown as fuck …but because he stayed at home Fred can he tha consideration??

Maaaan y’all go back to talkin’ bout Pterodactyl’s and sword wielding cacs…

What?! Lol

So what about Fred G. Sanford then?? Lamont was grown as fuck …but because he stayed at home Fred can he tha consideration??

Maaaan y’all go back to talkin’ bout Pterodactyl’s and sword wielding cacs…


Bruh......Jefferson's kid was barely at home.....he grown, in college, had an excellent sense of self and didn't need to depend on his father for shit.....it was obvious Jefferson did a good job...

Now you wanna talk about Fred Sanford?....His 30 something year old son was living at home with son selling junk...and his best friend was a burnout....

This the route you wanna go?

There are plenty of black TV dads out there....
Bruh......Jefferson's kid was barely at home.....he grown, in college, had an excellent sense of self and didn't need to depend on his father for shit.....it was obvious Jefferson did a good job...

Now you wanna talk about Fred Sanford?....His 30 something year old son was living at home with son selling junk...and his best friend was a burnout....

This the route you wanna go?

There are plenty of black TV dads out there....

Annnd George Jefferson was 1 of them…Lionel was on tha show more than enough to consider George Jefferson a “TV dad”….

You acting like I’m sayin’ Will Smith’s dad on Fresh Prince should be considered a TV dad bruh lol
He wasn’t on the fast track to wealth.

But he had opportunities to get a better job and live good enough and who fucked it up? Florida.

Love ain’t enough

But he did end up getting a better job in the end didnt he? its just that he died while away for work..
Never met a black person who felt superior to white folks lol
Really?! Every black person I know including me and my kids think we’re superior, lol.

I mean if you’re talking economically as a race then maybe not, but in all other ways we are. Only reason we’re not economically is due to our history here in America.

We are naturally superior & here's 1 reason why

how much sunscreen/sun tan lotion have you ever bought/used?

the sun loves us

back when I played GTA online & them racists would start gettin outta pocket, I'd challenge them to a contest of who could stand in the sun the longest w/o sunscreen

they'd stfu quick after that

Really?! Every black person I know including me and my kids think we’re superior, lol.

I mean if you’re talking economically as a race then maybe not, but in all other ways we are. Only reason we’re not economically is due to our history here in America.

Idk I never met somebody that said we should be treated better than White folks that’s how I take superior

Racism involves a feeling of superiority based on race alone. You guys really should check up on the dictionary more:

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Black people cannot be racist…

racism is a system, a sociopolitical system that oppresses people systematically due to the color of their skin. white people are not oppressed because of the color of their skin.

Black people can be discriminatory towards white ppl but racist? no.
Black people cannot be racist…

racism is a system, a sociopolitical system that oppresses people systematically due to the color of their skin. white people are not oppressed because of the color of their skin.

Black people can be discriminatory towards white ppl but racist? no.

He called me a bigot twice tho

He has never called Biden a bigot

He's incapable of doing that
also who cares if Black ppl feel superior
to whites? Black ppl were kind of forced into a being of superiority fueled by chattel slavery, jim crow status and white exceptionalism

Black superiority is just Black ppl reclaiming their bodies and minds from the ongoing psychological and physical abuse caused by the construction of whiteness

hence james brown song “say it loud, im Black and im proud”

is what it is
Black people cannot be racist…

racism is a system, a sociopolitical system that oppresses people systematically due to the color of their skin. white people are not oppressed because of the color of their skin.

Black people can be discriminatory towards white ppl but racist? no.

@Bobjones pls explain how im wrong so i can counter it

@Bobjones pls explain how im wrong so i can counter it


Ive said this before on here but it's just my thing to make a distinction between systemic racism (what u described, which is completely valid) and the general term 'racism", which I've always known as feeling superior to another race or hating another race, regardless of how the power structure changes its impact. It's basically semantics, and maybe a bit pointless. But that's how I've understood racism.
meaning what? him calling you a bigot means what?
Exactly! When black people try to call other black people out on being "racist" its a cop out mechanism

Like even if I was this raging mutant bigot what power does my black ass have to enforce my bigotry???? he knows that tho..