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Protesters Swarm Man's House After He Gave Out His Address During Racist Rant


#gaza4eva #freeKartel #FreeSiva

A New Jersey man is in police custody days after a video surfaced on him spewing racist vitriol toward a neighbor in a now-viral video.

Edward Cagney Matthews was captured on video harassing a black resident in his apartment complex. Matthews can be heard on video calling the person "monkey" and "n***er." At one point during the video, Matthews can be heard shouting his home address.

It appears his address circulated among the residents of the complex and potentially those from without as protestors swarmed upon Matthews's home as he was being arrested. While Mattews was being taken and placed inside the police vehicle, protestors pelted him and the police with bottles and other objects.
I don't like how white people are essentially untouchable. If breh in the video had punched the guy, or slapped the guy, or did anything to him HE would be the one going to jail not the white guy. Shits not right. I (and many others) can't tolerate someone just walking up to your face, calling you n!gger repeatedly and you don't do anything.

Also, for us to garner any sympathy online we have to be docile pacifists. Again, if breh had touched white boy in any way folks online wouldn't be so enthusiastically supportive. But that's for another topic.

IF this were Brazil they would have burned his house down.
They really need to do something about cacs calling ppl racial slurs like that's not a violent act. Cuz thats really what's stopping ppl from beating they ass. We know they use that shit to get us to react so they can call the cops and play victim.

But that's a slippery slope so idk.

believe over here it’s regarded as a hate crime I’ve seen people arrested for it, dunno if any charges were placed or what the outcome of the situation was.

Hard to establish a law to be enforced by a corrupt system who it seems many of the members are themselves white supremacists, I mean the guys on video bragging about selling drugs and being buddy buddy with the local force.

That alone should be under investigation cus it’s a clear account of corruption within the force.