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Breaking News President Trump in Quarantine... Test Positive for Covid-19

So where does the cop narrative come in? Because I asked about militias going into the streets? Does this site have active militia members that I’m not aware of? So proud boys post here? Does NFAC post here? If they do I’d be shocked. Did I tell fellow posters to meet up with our guns?

Bro. Come on, you could be testing the waters to see who is down to fight the proud boys in the streets....

"Uh, abw, who is down to fight the proud boys? Where n when yall meeting up? Whats the plan of action? Who of yall gonna be tooled up...." shit like that, duh.
I bet Melania don’t even have it, imagine if it came out that she didn’t and the whole world knowing Trump ain’t getting no pussy

At first I suspected she didn't have it and he only said she did so people could feel sorry for that tape leaking of her disrespecting kids and Christmas.
Can we be honest and talk about how unusual it is for Trump to be this quiet when there's all this news about him? Muthafucka ain't sent a Tweet or said any slick shit in 15 hours.

This is Trump we talking bout. He would at least have sent out some fake ass shit talking about how the people close to him are saying he's doing a fantastic job. He would at least be putting out lies about how good he's doing.

Somebody go find this nigga just in case corona slacks off.

So in the last 15 hours Trump has went from

Not knowing if he was positive
Testing positive
Mild symptoms
Moderate symptoms
Low grade fever

I mean...........bruhs......
At first I suspected she didn't have it and he only said she did so people could feel sorry for that tape leaking of her disrespecting kids and Christmas.

Naw that tape ain’t holding no weight, Trumps ego is telling him, “don’t let them find out the master bedroom features two beds”!
Can we be honest and talk about how unusual it is for Trump to be this quiet when there's all this news about him? Muthafucka ain't sent a Tweet or said any slick shit in 15 hours.

This is Trump we talking bout. He would at least have sent out some fake ass shit talking about how the people close to him are saying he's doing a fantastic job. He would at least be putting out lies about how good he's doing.

A few days ago everyone was talking about how terrible he was at the debates and now today, well...

I'll just leave these here.

The truth will come out in about two weeks. If he comes out fine, I doubt he ever had it in the first place.