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Breaking News President Biden caught Covid-19

There’s millions of people alive who caught Covid and never got vaccinated. Maybe my wording is off. Let me try again.

The United States failed at fighting Covid. The vaccine failed at stopping people from getting Covid. The shaming movement that came along with not taking the vaccine was a failure.

I hear you. But this is America not dying is the best we got
There’s millions of people alive who caught Covid and never got vaccinated. Maybe my wording is off. Let me try again.

The United States failed at fighting Covid. The vaccine failed at stopping people from getting Covid. The shaming movement that came along with not taking the vaccine was a failure.

Vaccines don't stop people from getting sick.

Vaccines stop people from dying or getting really sick.

What happens when there's a mass vaccination of a population, people have the the antibodies to fight off the targeted disease. Nobody gets gravely sick. The disease isn't able to spread throughout the population and it's declared eradicated.

That didn't happen with COVID because not enough people took the vaccine or followed safety precautions so now it's mutated to the point where scientists are falling behind in creating an effective vaccine against all variants. And people largely don't give a fuck and have accepted death by COVID as the risk of living their lives.

COVID's body count in it's first two years is unprecedented.

People who don't take the vaccine aren't very smart lmao but they get their info from Wine Moms on Facebook that don't vaccination their children so they are catching Whooping Cough like it's 1945.
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Just imagine if Joe Biden dies from the Rona...

Donald Trump gonna be on his petty bomb first shit.


Vaccines don't stop people from getting sick.

Vaccines stop people from dying or getting really sick.

What happens when there's a mass vaccination of a population, people have the the antibodies to fight off the targeted disease. Nobody gets gravely sick. The disease isn't able to spread throughout the population and it's declared eradicated.

That didn't happen with COVID because not enough people took the vaccine or followed safety precautions so now it's mutated to the point where scientists are falling behind in creating an effective vaccine against all variants. And people largely don't give a fuck and have accepted death by COVID.

COVID's body count in it's first two years is unprecedented.

People who don't take the vaccine aren't very smart lmao.

They not gonna hear you fam.

This is the same as saying the US failed against the flu cause 50k or so people die from the flu every year.

The facts show that the number of deaths and hospitilizations are way down after 60% of the population got vacinated.

Numbers way down now when people are out wildin compared to numbers when mfers was living under severe lock down and not travelling.

But someone the US failed.

A mfer can say the US can and could do better. Sure. But the fact is we back to living regularly in just 2 and a half years and the number of deaths and hospitilizations is way down now even when mfers are flying everywhere with no masks on.
They not gonna hear you fam.

This is the same as saying the US failed against the flu cause 50k or so people die from the flu every year.

The facts show that the number of deaths and hospitilizations are way down after 60% of the population got vacinated.

Numbers way down now when people are out wildin compared to numbers when mfers was living under severe lock down and not travelling.

But someone the US failed.

A mfer can say the US can and could do better. Sure. But the fact is we back to living regularly in just 2 and a half years and the number of deaths and hospitilizations is way down now even when mfers are flying everywhere with no masks on.

COVID has taught me that people are very very very bad at weighing risk.

Like these people should never ever ever poker because they would be broke.

I had people telling me that people die from the cold every year, so why take the COVID vaccine and I literally felt like I loss 100 IQ points.

Or they hear shit like 99 percent people don't die from COVID so why take the vaccine.

And I am like there's 300 million plus people in America, a million people dying from a contagious illness 2 years is pretty fucking bad.

Not to mention people have had limbs amputated from this shit. Heart and lungs fucked for life.

If taking a vaccine turns COVID into a mild cold...and not taking it puts you at risk for death and amputation...you fucking take the vaccine.

But like I said, people are not good at weighing risk.

Lol people rather die a terrible death, choking on their own blood than take a shot.

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I would like to reply to all of this in detail but it doesn’t matter.

This is just what the television told you. After the government told them that. After the government was wrong and had to correct what they initially said.

Yea fam.

And somehow you have this information that no one else does.

I got my info from television.

You got your info from reddit and youtube.


Im good yo. Please dont reply in detail.

Ill take the L. Im cool.
We back living regular because they realized the vaccine wasn’t good enough and they couldn’t keep giving money. Hospitalizations way down? It was Fauci who pointed out the fact that lots of people in the hospital with Covid wasn’t even admitted for Covid.

Exactly. And even more people getting sick and dying now than before the vaccine! The TV and govt just not telling us.
I would like to reply to all of this in detail but it doesn’t matter.

This is just what the television told you. After the government told them that. After the government was wrong and had to correct what they initially said.

The government wasn't wrong, people are just scientifically illiterate as hell because the public school system in this country is trash as shit, so they don't know vaccines actually do.

People legit think that since vaccines doesn't prevent diseases full stop then why take them?

Like people seemed shocked that you can still catch COVID if you took the vaccine. Like someone lied to them all they life.

Then on top of that, the Internet has gave people a false sense of expertise just because they can go Google anything they don't understand so actual scientists that went to school for 25 plus years and researched shit in-depth are no longer trusted because Facebook told them different.

People value para-social relationships on the internet more than scientific expertise. Like their Facebook friend and their favorite Twitter follows and their favorite subreddit have more veracity than the CDC or WHO to them.

People aren't very smart. Societies don't produce intelligent people, they produce people that can fuck, eat, sleep and repeat because as soon as they gotta make a decision that has societal impact, they fucking fail, every single time.

All people had to do is go get a damn shot that did nothing but make your arm sore and wear a mask.
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