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Possessive or Protective?


That's why we want more details because our minds are running wild trying to figure how to answer your question. So actually the exact opposite of not using our imaginations. With a question so vague what else can a mind do, but fill the blanks.

i want all the smoke but i know i will lose.
so i want none.
Protective. Didn't sound like he's stopping her from doing anything she wants to do, so I don't think I'd say possessive. Dunno why he wants a phone call though... text is fine.
I don't really see how its possessive. He said that his lady expects the same of him, so that must just be how their relationship works.

I know one thing, he better than me about having the door open. I hate when my wife calls me talking about "Come open the door." It's like you got the keys. I'm supposed to drop everything I'm doing to open the door because your key ring is oppressively complicated and you don't want to identify the right key while you're still in the car with light on?
I don't really see how its possessive. He said that his lady expects the same of him, so that must just be how their relationship works.

I know one thing, he better than me about having the door open. I hate when my wife calls me talking about "Come open the door." It's like you got the keys. I'm supposed to drop everything I'm doing to open the door because your key ring is oppressively complicated and you don't want to identify the right key while you're still in the car with light on?
You do it tho don't you