FEATURED Pornhub Is Now Banned In Texas

if minors wasnt doing that, then why impose any of these age verification rules to begin with? If jacking off was no big deal, why them 4 states blocked access? Why are they trying to solve a problem that doesnt exist?

The mfers for and against the restriction clearly think this is a way bigger deal than you do.

Either everyone else is bugging and making a big deal out of nothing, or its just you bugging downplaying this

You think it’s a surprise that super conservative states are doing this?
I need to clarify. PH isn't banned in Louisiana, you just have to do that age verification thing every time.

Other sites as well

I remember when I thought I got phished when spankbang kept redirecting me to some spankbang chat shit. Didn't realize that a bill had actually passed until like 2 months later when I googled why I was being redirected then I saw a law passed and was pissed tf off. They did that shit smooth af. Feels like it was done in the middle of the night. I don't remember a single article about it as it was being moved through the legislative session.
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America going backwards though man.

Religion is always at the forefront in the downfall of society.

I aint saying this to shit on religion btw. Like you religious and a person of faith, thats totally fine to live your life that way and raise your family in that way. No way you get me to say you right or wrong on how you living.

My point is when religion takes the forefront of how you try to run your society through laws, thats the begining of the end.

Because once you go down this road, it never ends with porn. Cause you start with outlawing abortion, then porn, then the next thing, then you outlaw gays, next thing you know you start outlawing other religions, and then you got nothing else to outlaw and you start outlawing different sects of your religion. All this happening is weakening you because you go from a society that had so much diversity pushing boundaries in all directions making you strong and the forefront of everything, to being a niche ass society thats policing its own citizens. And then in that weakess, you either split up with a civil war, or some other country who kept getting strong while you got weak smacks you around and takes your position as world police.

This wont happen overnight and ofcourse wont happen cause you banned porn. This will happen slowly, but surely will happen once you open pandoras box of trying to impose rules of a single religion in a society with diverse ass relgious beliefs.

That box is opened now.

America wilding.

Buy gold. Fuck the dollar.
I'm not tryna be contrarian here but it seems like religion is at its lowest point today than at any other time in US history
Elaborate please

Also Christianity being against homosexuality/promiscuity/sex before marriage, etc when it's at it's all time highs

Highest rate of youth identifying as gay/bi
Highest divorce rates
Porn consumption

We're literally moving in the complete opposite direction of any religious influence
Also Christianity being against homosexuality/promiscuity/sex before marriage, etc when it's at it's all time highs

Highest rate of youth identifying as gay/bi
Highest divorce rates
Porn consumption

We're literally moving in the complete opposite direction of any religious influence
I think more people have started to identify as spiritual over a specific religion affiliation
Yea there are major differences though
Ofc but I don't think people just stop believing in God. I just think they don't subscribe to all the things being preached to them.

A lot of it does come off contradictory when you step outside of it and compare it to other teachings

Don't wanna derail but I agree with your overall assessment
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Government shouldn't be able to regulate it

Why? They regulate a bunch of shit. There are researched negatives to porn consumption and nothing in the way of positives beyond anecdotal blog-level statements.
Ofc but I don't think people just stop believing in God. I just think they don't subscribe to all the things being preached to them.

A lot of it does come off contradictory when you step outside of it and compare it to other teachings

Don't wanna derail but I agree with your overall assessment
My personal opinion is self spirituality is a rejection of the church and organized religion which the country's ideology was built on
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Also Christianity being against homosexuality/promiscuity/sex before marriage, etc when it's at it's all time highs

Highest rate of youth identifying as gay/bi
Highest divorce rates
Porn consumption

We're literally moving in the complete opposite direction of any religious influence

Maybe the country in general.. but the folks that are passing the laws... not so much
I'm not tryna be contrarian here but it seems like religion is at its lowest point today than at any other time in US history
I think your right for indivuals. But America has become a Minoritarianist govt over the last 20 years where the minority thought is making legislation.

So I do agree with you in the sense that yes individual citizens are less religious than ever, but the ruling body is more religious than ever.

You see them republicans wildin with religion and they have the supreme court.

For example, the majority of the country is pro abortion, over 60%, but minority thought won and over turned rowe. Same with guns. Same with porn restriction. And if Trump wins, same will be with gay marriage and who knows what other shit.

So I thini this is a situation where both things are true.
And you're ok with that?

Regulating it can open up them wanting to deny access to whatever else they feel like

The slippery slope is a logical fallacy. With that being said, I'm fine with certain regulations - absolutely. The Government should regulate things because we have a society to maintain. People want shit that isn't good for them all the time, the individual matters only but so much when the goal is a functioning society. I've no interest in incurring on the quality of life of the individual but pleasures like porn are not essential, especially if they have negative consequences on the whole.

There is a balance to be maintained between the individual and the society. In this particular instance, I'm fine with regulation. If demanding you prove you are 18 is too much to ask, I have real questions about the motivations.
Also Christianity being against homosexuality/promiscuity/sex before marriage, etc when it's at it's all time highs

Highest rate of youth identifying as gay/bi
Highest divorce rates
Porn consumption

We're literally moving in the complete opposite direction of any religious influence

It may be at it's lowest publicly but unfortunately many people who are in control of making and instituting laws and policies are still very much driven by their religious conservatism. And those religious conservatives are basically seeing their decades long push to have certain things become actuall laws finally be successful in certain places.