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Alright, here we go

I don't remember the year but a game was coming out that I had been looking forward to getting. This is when I learned how pre order content worked with games. The game was Brink. I thought it had so much potential but the servers at launch and post launch were so bad that practically all of the release day crowd gave up on it like 2 weeks later. Yikes

Anyway, I pre-ordered my copy from BB to get whatever exclusive bonus they were offering. I go pick the game up and I don't see anything on the cover that indicates the bonus was included. Keep in mind, this is when they still sold physical DVDs, CDs, etc..

So I asked the girl who checked me out, she said she didn't know. I wasn't tripping because how could she. But she offered to ask the guys in the video game section. They had no clue. So then she asked the shift manager who was on duty. Something I can't recall happens here because I asked to speak with him. He was a young brotha so I was trying to talk with him.

I can physically see this nigga like 30ft away from me and he just flat out refused to come talk to me. He kept passing messages through the girl who would then come and tell me. Now he's trying not to make eye contact with me and I'm getting annoyed.

This nigga tried to pretend he was assisting other customers then I see this nigga flicking rubber bands at other employees. These niggas playing games and shit on the show floor. My wife at the time sees me try to go over there to confront him and pulls me back.

I ended up calling the district manager and told him what happened. He apologized and gave me a $25 gift card. He tried to explain that the age difference in employees at certain parts of the day impacted the customer service and that he was trying to fix that. Basically, all the grown folks worked during the day and not on weekends and the young college kids worked evenings and weekends.

Another time I went in that store to buy a cd, no one could tell me where it was despite it being released on the day I went to get it. This was when they started to downsize that section. I wasn't asking for Frank Sinatra greatest hits. The shit just came out. How tf you can't even tell me where your new release section is?

I just ended up buying it digitally which ended up being the first ever album I bought that way.

So this is what I learned about pre-orders. I assumed that they separate pallets of games. One with pre-order bonuses, the other without. Well, there is no difference. You can go into GameStop to pick up your pre-ordered game and the dude right behind you who didn't pre-order will have the same bonuses. They all have codes in the game boxes.
This dude talking about previous fails,we talking about the PS5. Do you have any CURRENT gen stories ? :umf3:
Yea I was like damn this a long read only to find out this all happened in 2006.i see why some mods ban folks from threads. You lucky I'm not that type of guy.
Listen, I have some principles. Lol

I only go on an as needed basis
Went into Wal-Mart this morning. They opened at 7 and I was in there at 7:30.

I go over to electronics and there's a younger black girl working but she's on her phone texting or scrolling Instagram or whatever these new niggas be doing. Then there's another younger dude but he's bald lol but I know he's still in his 20's. An older black woman who could probably be my grandmothers age was buying some Chromebooks for her grandkids for school. She was asking dude what the difference was between the two laptops that she was considering. One was an i3 and one was an i5. Son had no clue what to tell her. So I knew right then and there that this nigga wasn't gonna be straight with me when I started talking to him. I ended up helping the lady pick a laptop (the i5) and I was the only customer in the section.

So I asked dude straight up if they had any PS5's. He said naw man we sold the last of them last night. I said really? Y'all doing in store sales now? he said yeah we sold some last night. I was like so it's not all online? He said nah we had some in the store. I said so when are y'all getting some more? he said they should be getting another truck today. The nigga was being very shifty and cocking his head to the side and shit. Now maybe it's just me but I definitely take that as a sign of disrespect when I'm talking to a stranger and they talk to me with their head to the side and start making gestures. I ain't trip though.

I asked for a manager so that I could get some clarity. This nigga walked away and said he was gonna go get one but he really just dipped into another isle and started stocking shit on the shelves. So I was like okay I peep how this is gonna go. I walked around and I saw an older black dude with one of those handhelds that checks inventory. I asked if he could check an item for me and he said that he doesn't even know how to use that thing. Now I'm pissed because I've talked to two employees and they both blatantly lied to me.

This shit ain't that serious but these employees just keep fucking lying and to me that's a no no.

So now I finally found the store manager but she was walking with the assistant store manager going into the back of the store right by the electronics section. So I decided to wait at the end of the isle for them to come back out. Now there's 3 other niggas who are there with me. We all checked brickseek and we all saw the same shit. That they had PS5's in stock at the location that we were at. On dude said that he was with somebody yesterday who bought one in the store and he saw his receipt so he knows they selling em. He also said that he was there at the same store on Black Friday and they told him that they're not selling them in store.

So now the assistant manager is talking to all of us and she's copping pleas and mixing her story up. They're all contradicting themselves about when they actually got them, if they still have them, and how we can buy them.

I just don't understand man. Why are these stores lying to customers? What's really in it for them to refuse selling them? There was 4 of us there ready to buy the $499 disc version and we were all going to buy an extra controller. That's at least $2,500 right there between all of us and they really tried to play like they ain't have em.

I really hope I don't end up getting one from Wal-Mart. They're customer service is fucking terrible. I know GameStop gets a lot o flack but when it comes to games and shit they at least know what's up. They might have shady deals but their customer service is usually on point. Wal-Mart is just a bunch of niggas who are all scheming. Just liars all through that bitch.
Went into Wal-Mart this morning. They opened at 7 and I was in there at 7:30.

I go over to electronics and there's a younger black girl working but she's on her phone texting or scrolling Instagram or whatever these new niggas be doing. Then there's another younger dude but he's bald lol but I know he's still in his 20's. An older black woman who could probably be my grandmothers age was buying some Chromebooks for her grandkids for school. She was asking dude what the difference was between the two laptops that she was considering. One was an i3 and one was an i5. Son had no clue what to tell her. So I knew right then and there that this nigga wasn't gonna be straight with me when I started talking to him. I ended up helping the lady pick a laptop (the i5) and I was the only customer in the section.

So I asked dude straight up if they had any PS5's. He said naw man we sold the last of them last night. I said really? Y'all doing in store sales now? he said yeah we sold some last night. I was like so it's not all online? He said nah we had some in the store. I said so when are y'all getting some more? he said they should be getting another truck today. The nigga was being very shifty and cocking his head to the side and shit. Now maybe it's just me but I definitely take that as a sign of disrespect when I'm talking to a stranger and they talk to me with their head to the side and start making gestures. I ain't trip though.

I asked for a manager so that I could get some clarity. This nigga walked away and said he was gonna go get one but he really just dipped into another isle and started stocking shit on the shelves. So I was like okay I peep how this is gonna go. I walked around and I saw an older black dude with one of those handhelds that checks inventory. I asked if he could check an item for me and he said that he doesn't even know how to use that thing. Now I'm pissed because I've talked to two employees and they both blatantly lied to me.

This shit ain't that serious but these employees just keep fucking lying and to me that's a no no.

So now I finally found the store manager but she was walking with the assistant store manager going into the back of the store right by the electronics section. So I decided to wait at the end of the isle for them to come back out. Now there's 3 other niggas who are there with me. We all checked brickseek and we all saw the same shit. That they had PS5's in stock at the location that we were at. On dude said that he was with somebody yesterday who bought one in the store and he saw his receipt so he knows they selling em. He also said that he was there at the same store on Black Friday and they told him that they're not selling them in store.

So now the assistant manager is talking to all of us and she's copping pleas and mixing her story up. They're all contradicting themselves about when they actually got them, if they still have them, and how we can buy them.

I just don't understand man. Why are these stores lying to customers? What's really in it for them to refuse selling them? There was 4 of us there ready to buy the $499 disc version and we were all going to buy an extra controller. That's at least $2,500 right there between all of us and they really tried to play like they ain't have em.

I really hope I don't end up getting one from Wal-Mart. They're customer service is fucking terrible. I know GameStop gets a lot o flack but when it comes to games and shit they at least know what's up. They might have shady deals but their customer service is usually on point. Wal-Mart is just a bunch of niggas who are all scheming. Just liars all through that bitch.
Walmart ain't the same like it used to be....the people they hire now are usually 90's babies with no goals they just need a job to stay out of trouble which is sad but fuck it you'll get your ps5 eventually
Went into Wal-Mart this morning. They opened at 7 and I was in there at 7:30.

I go over to electronics and there's a younger black girl working but she's on her phone texting or scrolling Instagram or whatever these new niggas be doing. Then there's another younger dude but he's bald lol but I know he's still in his 20's. An older black woman who could probably be my grandmothers age was buying some Chromebooks for her grandkids for school. She was asking dude what the difference was between the two laptops that she was considering. One was an i3 and one was an i5. Son had no clue what to tell her. So I knew right then and there that this nigga wasn't gonna be straight with me when I started talking to him. I ended up helping the lady pick a laptop (the i5) and I was the only customer in the section.

So I asked dude straight up if they had any PS5's. He said naw man we sold the last of them last night. I said really? Y'all doing in store sales now? he said yeah we sold some last night. I was like so it's not all online? He said nah we had some in the store. I said so when are y'all getting some more? he said they should be getting another truck today. The nigga was being very shifty and cocking his head to the side and shit. Now maybe it's just me but I definitely take that as a sign of disrespect when I'm talking to a stranger and they talk to me with their head to the side and start making gestures. I ain't trip though.

I asked for a manager so that I could get some clarity. This nigga walked away and said he was gonna go get one but he really just dipped into another isle and started stocking shit on the shelves. So I was like okay I peep how this is gonna go. I walked around and I saw an older black dude with one of those handhelds that checks inventory. I asked if he could check an item for me and he said that he doesn't even know how to use that thing. Now I'm pissed because I've talked to two employees and they both blatantly lied to me.

This shit ain't that serious but these employees just keep fucking lying and to me that's a no no.

So now I finally found the store manager but she was walking with the assistant store manager going into the back of the store right by the electronics section. So I decided to wait at the end of the isle for them to come back out. Now there's 3 other niggas who are there with me. We all checked brickseek and we all saw the same shit. That they had PS5's in stock at the location that we were at. On dude said that he was with somebody yesterday who bought one in the store and he saw his receipt so he knows they selling em. He also said that he was there at the same store on Black Friday and they told him that they're not selling them in store.

So now the assistant manager is talking to all of us and she's copping pleas and mixing her story up. They're all contradicting themselves about when they actually got them, if they still have them, and how we can buy them.

I just don't understand man. Why are these stores lying to customers? What's really in it for them to refuse selling them? There was 4 of us there ready to buy the $499 disc version and we were all going to buy an extra controller. That's at least $2,500 right there between all of us and they really tried to play like they ain't have em.

I really hope I don't end up getting one from Wal-Mart. They're customer service is fucking terrible. I know GameStop gets a lot o flack but when it comes to games and shit they at least know what's up. They might have shady deals but their customer service is usually on point. Wal-Mart is just a bunch of niggas who are all scheming. Just liars all through that bitch.
It's what everyone has said

They keeping them for themselves and family/friends
Walmart ain't the same like it used to be....the people they hire now are usually 90's babies with no goals they just need a job to stay out of trouble which is sad but fuck it you'll get your ps5 eventually

I'm not eve tripping that the stores ain't got em. I'm tripping off the people lying.

I went to another Wal-Mart that I saw on brickseek after I left that first one and I was the only person in the whole section. This older white guy again started acting funny. he was basically profiling me as a scalper. First of all that's none of your fucking business what I do with my shit after I buy it. Then he tried to say people are acting crazy about the consoles and he actually said that I don't want anybody to come in here and point their "piece" in my face. That was racist as fuck because he was insinuating that I was a black guy carrying a fucking gun in Wal-Mart trying to rob them for a PS5. I asked to speak to his store manager and when I was talking to the manager a white guy with a blue lives matter mask came in and said he called about the XBox One S and that same white guy started shooting the shit with him.

I wish terrible things on crackas like that who pull their undercover racist shit. Fuck all their stero types.
This may not have nothing to do with the way they acting or not but I do know that since this pandemic has started that people have been going crazy over any thing labeled disinfectant spray. And some of things been said about the customer service now was same being said about people getting lysol and hoarding and selling for a mark up.

I don't condone this at all and yall should get their names and report them to corporate
This may not have nothing to do with the way they acting or not but I do know that since this pandemic has started that people have been going crazy over any thing labeled disinfectant spray. And some of things been said about the customer service now was same being said about people getting lysol and hoarding and selling for a mark up.

I don't condone this at all and yall should get their names and report them to corporate

But they put limits on how many you can buy. They have a limit in some stores on how many PS5's you can buy. The limit is 1. So if I buy 1 and I wanna sell it or give t away to my brother I can do that and Wal-Mart nor any other store should not have any say on what I do with it. The fact that he acted like I couldn't buy one because I might sell it is bullshit. It's none of their business what I do with anything I buy there. They can't tell you what to do with your games.
But they put limits on how many you can buy. They have a limit in some stores on how many PS5's you can buy. The limit is 1. So if I buy 1 and I wanna sell it or give t away to my brother I can do that and Wal-Mart nor any other store should not have any say on what I do with it. The fact that he acted like I couldn't buy one because I might sell it is bullshit. It's none of their business what I do with anything I buy there. They can't tell you what to do with your games.
I totally agree
Wal-Mart employees are lying about having PS5's for sale in store because they want to buy them for themselves. Their stock shows that they have them and people can even see that they have them in the back but they're refusing to sell them.

Nah they gotta buy online themselves no employee discounts either. That's how one of my boys got his. Had to use his sister's employee login and try to catch it like everyone else. Any consoles in store are paid for and labeled for pick up..

The consoles are kept in warehouses then delivered to Walmart for pick up or the home address. That makes employee theft damn near impossible. Same for best buy who limited in store and curbside pick up. They just rather send it staring from warehouse to minimize theft.
Welp that was a dummy mission. They got em, but ol boy said they cant sell em till tomorrow.

Kinda felt dude was lying to me, but it make sense cyber monday. Im tryna get one of my kids to go wait inline for me lol