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People have a problem with Chloe doing a song with Chris Brown

Chris to blame, this picked up steam once he started going back and forth with people. Did you hear about this before CB started
I didn't hear about this until 5th made the thread. I consider this social media

Therefore, it circles back to my initial question of why he, and @5th Letter cosign, are blaming the media. And then jumping into making bm the face of DV

It seems outta place to me
Blame the media and not the person who started insulting a woman to prove he doesn't in fact still insult and disrespect women. Such a smart move on their part
CB disrespect everybody. He has smoke for everyone who got smoke with him.

Yall jumping all the way out the window with these takes lol
I didn't hear about this until 5th made the thread. I consider this social media

Therefore, it circles back to my initial question of why he, and @5th Letter cosign, are blaming the media. And then jumping into making bm the face of DV

It seems outta place to me
At this point the media and social media are one in the same. Legitimate news gets reported on Twitter daily. He can’t seem to do anything without them throwing his past back in his face.
CB disrespect everybody. He has smoke for everyone who got smoke with him.

Yall jumping all the way out the window with these takes lol

I'm just saying...if somebody accuses you of something then you go and traffic in that very same act...you can't get upset when people say "well maybe they had a point". Especially when one of his closest homeboys is guilty of the exact shit he called out others for in that rant
I'm just saying...if somebody accuses you of something then you go and traffic in that very same act...you can't get upset when people say "well maybe they had a point". Especially when one of his closest homeboys is guilty of the exact shit he called out others for in that rant
So you don't ever expect him to disrespect or insult another woman in his life?
Chloe as an artist??? To me she’s used wrong. As far as advertising, they push her sexual side too much and should focus more on her being like Brandy. So her working with Chris is just her throwing things at the wall

He's just not having a good social media week. Though this ain't the 1st time I've seen folks say him and other artist don't allow dark skin women around when they do these club appearances. It's apparently a thing among many in the entertainment industry
Like I said...selective outrage. Its time to move on. Bruh career still going.

He shouldn't even acknowledged them muthafuccas.

That's not what selective outrage means if they actually were mad at the shit you claimed they weren't lol. You could've just said the last sentence about him ignoring them
All the same to me don't even know which ones more powerful at this point
Yeah, that's what 5th said

It makes more sense to me now understanding where yall coming from

He's just not having a good social media week. Though this ain't the 1st time I've seen folks say him and other artist don't allow dark skin women around when they do these club appearances. It's apparently a thing among many in the entertainment industry

How many times has this happened, now?