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People are upset about this Druski skit

I can see how people could see it as him making light of a real predatory situation that women can find themselves in that isn’t really funny…

but I also see it as him pointing out how it’s niggas that’s like that..

to be “funny” in this era is a slippery slope
Have you not see niggas act that way at a function?

Personally with my own eyes I can say that I haven't. I've seen dudes buying women drinks with the intention of getting them tipsy/drunk but never with the pressure dude was applying.

Below has nothing to do with my above reply to your post.

Even without seeing it with the pressure applied before and without seeing the caption when I saw the video. I viewed the video as the nigga applying the pressure to drink as a clown ass nigga.

My thing is even with the fucked up caption, whether a person found it funny, not funny or took it as a PSA. I feel like people could've just used the video as an example of a man pressuring a woman to drink that much liquor as the clown, creepy shit it is without all of the fucking complaining.

I understand its the internet and complaining to complain is a thing just think people need to understand the boy who cried wolf story is some real shit.
Maybe this deserves it's own thread.

How much checking of your friends and family behavior do people really do? How far are people really expecting others to go with in checking that behavior?

I agree not to ignore it but at the same time I ain't about to fight my folks over the shit. Cutting them off is an option but at the same time fighting or cutting them off might not stop said fucked up behavior.
Maybe this deserves it's own thread.

How much checking of your friends and family behavior do people really do? How far are people really expecting others to go with in checking that behavior?

I agree not to ignore it but at the same time I ain't about to fight my folks over the shit. Cutting them off is an option but at the same time fighting or cutting them off might not stop said fucked up behavior.
This has been a thread before and it got kinda ugly...revealed a LOT, as well
Related to the topic, consider the following:

A guy throws a party. He invites a particular chick who he intends to try and have sex with that night. Assume that for each of the following scenarios, the guy does have sex with the chick by the end of the night. Also, assume that the guy drank too, but only wound up getting a little tipsy. How would you all classify each? A) Not problematic, B) Problematic but not criminal, or C) Criminal
  1. He throws the party, and offers "hunch punch," which is basically a drink that goes down easily but can get people fucked up if they aren't careful. The guy offers the chick a drink. She drinks as much as she desires with no pressure or coercion from him. She's tipsy but it's not super noticeable.
  2. Same scenario as 1 with the addition that drinking games are thrown into the mix with the understood intent to get people to drink more. He asks the chick to play. She agrees under no duress. She plays and winds up drinking more than she would have under normal conditions and getting more intoxicated than she intends. It's clear she's been drinking, but she's still conscious and able to communicate reasonably.
  3. Same scenario as 2 with the addition that after the games are done, the party continues and the guy continues to offer punch and beer to the chick. Being that she's already intoxicated, she willingly accepts some of the drinks even though she wouldn't under normal conditions. She's still conscious but is clearly compromised.
  4. Same scenario as 3 except the chick tries to resist the latter drinks and the guy coerces (not forces) her into drinking them.
  5. Same scenario as 4, but the chick drinks until she passes out.
The thread when I said I would haven’t sex with my Girlfriend/Wife/S.O If they was drunk even if it was said before hand or even after a date night?
I don't think that was it

For some reason I think it was that recently bumped thread about a young lady being raped

I think another one was that C0r3y Hoecum thread when he said that a dude "isn't a man if he doesn't take pussy from a/his(?) bitch"