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Paul Pierce: Put Shaq On My Team. Give Me Bron and Bosh, I Don't Win One?

"They should never gave you miggas money rings!"

ONE ring, and dude out here like he's in Bird/Dr. J/Bron territory. The Truth hasn't been Truthin for a minute, ever since he had all them strippers in the card games and shit.

Here's a good metric, since they both won a Finals MVP: we'll go to regular season MVP.

This where were both guys finished in years they were nominated for NBA MVP. Go here for a the full list: https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-mvp-vote-history/


PP gotta GTFOHWTBS. I get that neither player ever won it, but Wade's finishes show he was a MUCH MORE consistent player in the league.

The comparison in 2009 says it all. That was PP's BEST MVP voting finish...and he placed 7th. Wade was 3rd.

Nah, Paul. Sit it down on this one.