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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

Gun control doesn’t mean you lose your guns. Stop that silly scare tactic.

Gun control means stricter laws. They now need accountability laws w these shootings. Something to force these gun owners to really lock up their guns. Making it more longer of a process to buy a gun. More strict background checks.

Personally, I don’t think that anyone who lives w someone w a history of issues, esp mental issues, there shouldn’t be guns allowed in that house. Not even locked up. These kids are usually the ones who shoot up the schools. Sandy Hook. This one. These kids are around guns often. It feeds their fucked up minds.
all Im saying is please know what gun control is & the history behind it before you go asking for a stronger police state under an authoritarian admin.
Gun control doesn’t mean you lose your guns. Stop that silly scare tactic.

Gun control means stricter laws. They now need accountability laws w these shootings. Something to force these gun owners to really lock up their guns. Making it more longer of a process to buy a gun. More strict background checks.

Personally, I don’t think that anyone who lives w someone w a history of issues, esp mental issues, there shouldn’t be guns allowed in that house. Not even locked up. These kids are usually the ones who shoot up the schools. Sandy Hook. This one. These kids are around guns often. It feeds their fucked up minds.

How about reenacting the Brady bill? How about taking down the laws that prevent the CDC from studying gun violence? How about having all gun licences and purchases on a central database in a municipalities or state instead of making it illegal to have it digitized.

Very simple right?
How about reenacting the Brady bill? How about taking down the laws that prevent the CDC from studying gun violence? How about having all gun licences and purchases on a central database in a municipalities or state instead of making it illegal to have it digitized.

Very simple right?

I have no clue about any of that shit. So whatever works, works. But things need to be done.

How do you got the world losing their minds over Tide Pods to the point where they’re taking action to change the pods to prevent people from eating them? Yet, nothing is being done with massacres? 2 of the most deadly now within a few months.

We need better laws but nobody’s guns need to be TAKEN.

This article is a history lesson on how the government and NRA has combined to suppress militant groups and civil right activist with gun laws. Great article but it has a click bait title.

It did not give any ideas to curve the gun violence or trafficking problems that has arises since the Brady Law was taken out. It does not talk about the crimpling laws that has been enacted to study guns. It does not talk why their is a uptick in violence. In one instance the question was asked.
When asked what responsible limits would look like, she responded: "I really don't know. It seems to me that it's not the people who own firearms legally that are the problem."

Ware said she isn't against new controls and being a gun owner doesn't form an important part of her identity. Motherhood, her community and career, among other aspects, come first.

So she does not know what should be done either. Only gives the insight that legal gun owners are not the problem. That cool I agree. But I know history has shown us that crimpling the system does not help. Lets look at all the other countries that does not have mass shooting every month. Why dont they? What are they doing?
I have no clue about any of that shit. So whatever works, works. But things need to be done.

How do you got the world losing their minds over Tide Pods to the point where they’re taking action to change the pods to prevent people from eating them? Yet, nothing is being done with massacres? 2 of the most deadly now within a few months.

We need better laws but nobody’s guns need to be TAKEN.

why does someone need so many damn guns tho?
Was watchin Don lemon yesterday and he was like.wtf at the fact that they are bleeping out the cursing in the videos of the shooting ... as if the gunshots themselves werent offensive, the fact that 17 people were killed.. all the inaction in this "debate" (spoiler alert its not a debate) things of this nature are not debatable but we treat alot of things as "debate"
And guess what? I’m getting notifications about police responding to some “incidents” going on in schools around me.
Crazy shit is the kid nearly got away. He managed to sneak out the school since he dressed up as a current student among the kids running for their lives. They caught him 1-2 miles away from the school.