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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

debates around gun control that don’t center the culture of violence perpetuated by our police state and blind nationalism are useless imo
watch how the media trying to spin this as if he was the most innocent child, an introvert who stayed to himself. Then show him in pictures doing the most honorable acts like feeding ducks by the pond or playing with the family dog.
The problem is they are scared of the "American People" Cracker as crackers who "cling to their guns and religion" the NRA wouldnt be shit without the "will of the people" this indoctrination has been multi-generation so much so its in the fabric of our country.. this has been used as the republican "big joker" for years and its utterly ridiculous . because they wont lead they will continue to fall back on the will of the "American people"
So I see you have the conspiracy theory folks getting scared. Thinking their guns will save them if the government comes after the citizens. Fuck that the corporations have always been the ones carrying out the worst atrocities. Fuck that the gun companies have been setting this up for years giving you these false narratives.
debates around gun control that don’t center the culture of violence perpetuated by our police state and blind nationalism are useless imo

So you gon bust at the police with your gun? Tell me how your gun is going to save you from any of the cultural or societal problems we have today?

I am not against guns at all. I am for gun control. Hunting rifles and handguns, Cool! Shotguns I am cool with. But why the fuck do you need a semiautomatic wepaon with banana clips and Armor piercing bullets. What cartel are you fighting on the weekend?
So I see you have the conspiracy theory folks getting scared. Thinking their guns will save them if the government comes after the citizens. Fuck that the corporations have always been the ones carrying out the worst atrocities. Fuck that the gun companies have been setting this up for years giving you these false narratives.

So you gon bust at the police with your gun? Tell me how your gun is going to save you from any of the cultural or societal problems we have today?

I am not against guns at all. I am for gun control. Hunting rifles and handguns, Cool! Shotguns I am cool with. But why the fuck do you need a semiautomatic wepaon with banana clips and Armor piercing bullets. What cartel are you fighting on the weekend?

What are you even talking about?
Also you mfers out here thinking you going to start a war with the government. I have a question. When the race war pops off and all society break down. Do you have any survival training? Hunting, camping, fishing, tracking, cold weather survival, anything? Because billy bob that did 5 years in the Army or Marines does. He also fishes, hunts and tracks Turkey, deer, and wild hogs on the weekend for fun with a bow and arrow with a buck knife.

Fuck you gon do when you can even make s'mores over a fire.
most of these hallow, empty debates overlook the reality that most gun control laws largely target marginalized groups/people of color.

violence permeates the entire american project, from its inception through colonization and slavery, to its current culture of militarism.

historically, we’ve only ceased the repletion of violence in this country when it was in the hands of the oppressed.

again, the white supremacist monopoly on violence dictates how the perpetrator of violence is labeled and treated.

white male commits act of violence on a large scale= lone wolf, mentally imparied, etc etc

Black/Brown male commits violence on a large scale = Inherently violent, Black/Brown family breakdown, Black/Brown community overthrow etc etc

If you are going to have a gun control debate it has to examine race, militarism, police, and how all three perpetuate a culture of violence.
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I do not support gun reform.

I mean honestly what does gun reform look like in a country that has a deep relationship with white supremacist militarism and imperialism?

debates around gun control that don’t center the culture of violence perpetuated by our police state and blind nationalism are useless imo

some of yall really run with everything I say and be hella wrong.

I apologize The whole post was not center on you. It was more from a conversation I had this morning with a urban black militant. Talking about a race war.

Please explain. If you do not support gun control what do you suggest?
listen gun control under Trump means increased ICE & police presence. It means false charges, detainment, & incarceration.

point blank period
They interviewed this 17 yr old JROTC on CNN and this dude sounded so calm and professional. Great kid. A hero. Kept his cool during a chaotic situation and aided in helping kids find cover and covering them w these Kevlar vests they had for Marksmanship. He said he knew the vests wouldn’t stop the bullets but it kept students hidden and he said it would slow the bullets. Seemed like a great kid. Wait for the theorists to break down that interview now.
most of this hallow, empty debates overlook the reality that most gun control laws largely target marginalized groups/people of color.

violence permeates the entire american project, from its inception through colonization and slavery, to its current culture of militarism.

historically, we’ve only ceased the repletion of violence in this country when it was in the hands of the oppressed.

again, the white supremacist monopoly on violence dictates how the perpetrator of violence is labeled and treated.

white male commits act of violence on a large scale= lone wolf, mentally imparied, etc etc

Black/Brown male commits violence on a large scale = Inherently violent, Black/Brown family breakdown, Black/Brown community overthrow etc etc

If you are going to have a gun control debate it has to examine race, militarism, police, and how all three perpetuate a culture of violence.

How does gun control "target marginalized groups/people of color"?
listen gun control under Trump means increased ICE & police presence. It means false charges, detainment, & incarceration.

point blank period

And you came to this conclusion with how? That actually sound like immigration and reversal of the police reform under obama. Not gun control.