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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread


Trump: Make Sure You Vote Or Dems Will Take Away Your Second Amendment

President Donald Trump on Friday reminded the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference to get “off their ass” and vote in the midterms so that Democrats don’t “take away your Second Amendment.”

“Don’t be complacent,” he said. “If they get in, they will repeal your tax cuts, they will put judges in that you wouldn’t believe. They’ll take away your Second Amendment, which we will never allow to happen. They’ll take away your second amendment. Remember that. … They will take away those massive tax cuts, and they will take away your Second Amendment.”

He then asked the crowd whether they’d rather have their “massive” tax cuts or their Second Amendment rights. The crowd’s reaction was clearly in favor of guns.

“Second Amendment, tax cuts? Second Amendment? I’m going to leave it at the Second Amendment,” he said. “I don’t want to get into that battle.”

The comments about gun rights come as Trump has indicated his support for at least three proposals that would tighten gun laws, in the wake of the most recent school shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead.

Parkland Survivor on Phone Call With Trump: ‘I’ve Never Been So Unimpressed By a Person in My Life’

A Parkland shooting survivor spoke out about the conversation she had over the phone with President Donald Trump.

Samantha Fuentes, who was shot in both legs and has a piece of shrapnel lodged behind her right eye in the mass shooting at a South Florida high school, was recovering in the hospital when she received a phone call from the president. And according to a report from The New York Times, she was underwhelmed with their exchange.

“He said he heard that I was a big fan of his, and then he said, ‘I’m a big fan of yours too.’ I’m pretty sure he made that up,” she said after being discharged from the hospital. “Talking to the president, I’ve never been so unimpressed by a person in my life. He didn’t make me feel better in the slightest.”

She added that Trump referred to the gunman as a “sick puppy” and said ‘oh boy, oh boy, oh boy,’ “like seven times.”

Fuentes previously appeared for an interview on the Today show, calling on legislators to take action in response to the shooting that sent her to the hospital and killed 17 others.

Hollywood Producer Claims Dana Loesch Pitched a Sitcom For Her to Star In: ‘Obsessed’ With ‘Fame and Money’

NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch has been all over the place lately, making an unforgettable appearance at CNN’s Town Hall on gun control the other night and a combative one at CPAC yesterday.

According to a Hollywood producer, however, she could have been a constant figure on our television screens long before now.

Producer Paul Guyot, behind shows like NCIS: New Orleans and The Librarians, tweeted about an incident ten years ago in which Loesch allegedly pitched him a sitcom for her to star in.

The scathing tweet alleges Loesch came to him “ten years ago, pitching a sitcom, starring herself.”

Here’s the pitch, as allegedly relayed to Guyot from Loesch: “A hot young mom who does a far right radio show.”

The producer went on to say that Loesch pleaded for the show to get a green light, saying that her age and good looks would make sure that one side hated her and the other side loved her, therefore “everyone would watch.” He also said that she was “obsessed with the potential fame and money.”

Guyot turned her down and then waited, like a snake in the grass, for just the right time to tweet. Well played, sir.


Trump Slams Deputy Who Allegedly Froze During Parkland Shooting: ‘He Didn’t Have the Courage’

On his way to CPAC this morning, President Donald Trump spoke to reporters on the White House lawn about his recent proposal to arm teachers and the latest developments in the Parkland school shooting.

After claiming that schools being “gun free zones” make them “very dangerous,” the president addressed the recent allegation that the sheriff’s deputy assigned to guard Marjory Stoneman Douglas High froze and didn’t attempt to engage with the shooter for at least four minutes.

“Deputy Sheriff Peterson I guess his name is, I mean, they brought it out, I was surprised, but it deserves to be brought out, what he did, he’s trained his whole life,” Trump stated. “There’s an example. But when it came time to get in there and do something, he didn’t have the courage or something happened. But he certainly did a poor job.”

He continued, “There’s no question about that. He was there for five minutes, for five minutes. That was during the entire shooting. He heard it right at the beginning. So he certainly did a poor job. But that’s the case where somebody was outside, they’re trained, they didn’t react properly under pressure or they were a coward.”

Trump also called the NRA “patriots” who “love our country” while declaring that he is going to be “very, very powerful” and “strong” on background checks.

That deputy is a bitch for doing that.. But Trump is last person that should be questioning anybody’s courage.. With 5 deferments on his jacket during Vietnam...

CNN Confronts NRA For Saying Media ‘Loves’ Shootings: ‘How Dare You?’

CNN host Alisyn Camerota confronted National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch on Friday over her comments at CPAC claiming that many in the media “love” mass shootings.

“Dana, it’s just malicious, actually, that you would say that,” Camerota said. “I don’t know anybody in the media who likes mass shootings, you’re wrong on every single level. … How dare you?”

But Loesch defended her comments, saying the media loves the “ratings aspect of it.”

“It’s true because it’s wall-to-wall coverage. They put the murderer’s face up on loop, on televisions all across America, even more than they discuss the victims or survivors. That individual’s name has been mentioned and is still mentioned on your network,” Loesch said.

Loesch claimed that CNN has been equally “malicious” because it has allowed “accusations against me and millions of law abiding Americans to be indicted as child murders” to stand without correction.

“That NRA members are somehow complicit in this, you’ve allowed that to stand uncorrected on your network,” she said.

Camerota then suggested that the NRA actually “does bare some responsibility” for coming up with solutions to gun violence and said the group needs to “come to the table.”

“No, we absolutely do not. We’re parents too. We want to be able to make sure our kids are also safe,” Loesch said.

“Of course you do!” Camerota said. “You have a stake in this and you have to come up with solutions.”

Loesch then went on to repeat the NRA’s line blaming the FBI for failing to act on a tip about the alleged shooter and calling on politicians to force states to submit criminal records to the National Crime Information Center so that background checks work better. She also said the NRA is opposed to a Trump-supported proposal to increase the age for purchasing a rifle to 21 because when she was 20, she felt that she needed a rifle to protect herself.

The NRA has been heavily criticized in recent days from those in who support tightening gun laws after the latest mass shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead.


Asked For Specifics On Gun Legislation, Trump Only Offers Vague Generalities

President Donald Trump on Friday offered only vague pledges about how he plans to make American schools safer, a week after 17 people died in a deadly school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

During a joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, One America News Network’s Trey Yingst asked Trump what specific legislation he will propose to Congress in the wake of last week’s shooting.

Though Yingst asked Trump for details, Trump only offered broad strokes in response.

“We are going to be very strong on background checks,” he replied. “We want to be very powerful on background checks.’

Trump went on to describe the changes he will seek to the background check process as “strong” and “powerful,” but did not elaborate on what those changes would be or entail.

“We’re going to get rid of the bump stocks, and we’re going to do certain other things,” he added later, and again declined to offer much in the way of details.

Trump also called for some teachers to be armed, and claimed that “offensive capability” in schools could help prevent future tragedies.