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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

They’re saying that the white nationalist claim on this kid was a prank from 4Chan.
Cot damn the authorities dropped the ball butt fumbled picked it up kicked the ball backwards 1o yards.. and picked it up and got safety

Yep. Kid was basically begging to get arrested. Plus he even referred to himself as a "school shooter"

FBI does get alotta tips daily, but come on
man i sit there thinking what kind of beef will I ever get into for me to justify owning a AR 15 or any automatic rifle...now I keep hammers on deck to get niggas off me if need be but that s it...

politicians think its a game....wait til that shit happens to them....only a matter of time
they got shot up at a baseball game
Doesn’t seem odd a white nationalist group is claiming this dude after he murdered children and white ppl? Seems fishy on their end, regardless if he was or wasn’t in their group.

Oh so this a conspiracy you cool to run with? If you stfu bro.
Everyone is supposedly awarded due process no matter how open and shut a case is.......supposedly

Yeah I know, I’m just confused about why his attorneys would think they have any leverage to be calling the shots
Yeah I know, I’m just confused about why his attorneys would think they have any leverage to be calling the shots

Its probably public appointed or someone just trying to make a name for themselves doing it pro bono. His ass going to jail but anything they can do to avoid capital punishment or shave time is a win for them.
Oh so this a conspiracy you cool to run with? If you stfu bro.

Considering the rumor started on 4Chan and went on as a prank, yeah.. I was right in my feelings. They've done this shit a few times before. Pizza gate is one of them.
My uncle told me earlier that the FBI hemmed up over 9 white students in 3 different schools in Meigs County & two other counties for attempting to shoot up their school. Again, all of this happens in their schools. F that, if I have kids & that's a big if, my kid/kids will stay in inner city schools amongst his/her own people where it's safe