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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

Wonder how that uber driver feels that dropped him off at the school. Obviously, they had no idea what he was out to do
These devils be like: """He was just a poor misunderstood young lad, that had a troubled past"":(

Meanwhile: ""That thug Trayvon Martin was a going to be a menace to our great country, and he was probably up to no good,what was that nig...I mean, what was that thug doing walking that dark street alone anyway, he had no business there and should have known his place! George Zimmerman did the right thing and had no choice but to confront him and shoot him dead!!!!"""" :mad:
Hold up, hold up, hold tf up. This savage was 19 years old & still in high school?
mental issues or just dont give a fuck?

can we stop with the he was weird shit.

what is considered normal?
Trump trolls on Twitter are trying to say dude’s real parents were here illegally and he’s a “dreamer” smh. And saying FAKE NEWS made up the thing about him being a white nationalist to deflect from that.

Wonder how many of these accounts are posting from Russian IP addresses.
He had to have some mental issues, lotta students said he was a weird dude.

One of em on CNN said that the kid had asked for a drink of his water, so he gave him the bottle and the kid sipped it, spit the water out and laughed.

That’s not normal.
I do get that I think anyone doing this sort of thing has to have an illness. However the method of
reporting is the problem. if he had gone and trained with Isis and returned it would be a question of how he got radacalised why wasnt anyone monitoring him and we must destroy theses terroist groups etc etc
and the fact that a militia is claiming him,.......thats the WTF.

dont fucking isis claiming niggas after attacks? and what we doing to isis?

but what about these militias?

bro isis doesnt exist lol your government created that .
Doesn’t seem odd a white nationalist group is claiming this dude after he murdered children and white ppl? Seems fishy on their end, regardless if he was or wasn’t in their group.
Doesn’t seem odd a white nationalist group is claiming this dude after he murdered children and white ppl? Seems fishy on their end, regardless if he was or wasn’t in their group.
thats my point.

a white nationaal group claiming dude,...even tho he was killing whoever.

it dont sound legit