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Parkland, FL High School Shooting/The March For Our Lives Thread

i like how everybody thinks gun reform means govt agents are gonna come by your crib with baskets to collect your weapons

that aint happening

but the shit shouldnt be so easy.....not even from a mental health stand point

a healthy, fully sane 18 yr old DOES NOT need an assault rifle i dont give a fuck what nobody says or what our "rights" are.....there's just no good reason for that...none....that aint for hunting or self defense

I dont have the answers to ending mass shootings but it will never stop until we stop trying to leave a crack in the door "for the good people"

there enough guns out here that yeah, the wrong person will still get ahold to them.....but how many of these mass shootings have been acted out with stolen or borrowed weapons????

everything I've seen was completely legal, fresh out the box murder machines.....and for some odd fuckin reason when this shit happens, sales go up more smh


Stephanie Ruhle Lists GOP ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ Tweets Alongside NRA Campaign Donations

As the GOP lawmakers send out thoughts and prayers in response to the mass shooting at a Florida high school, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle is laying down the facts.

It’s well known that a large chunk of the GOP takes donations from the NRA, but the exact numbers are striking. On her “For Fact’s Sake” segment Thursday morning, Ruhle went through a list of Republican lawmakers who tweeted out their condolences for the families of victims and survivors of the deadly massacre in Parkland, FL, along with how much money the National Rifle Association has doled out to support their election campaigns.

Those listed, including the amount the NRA has spent on getting them elected, are:

Bill Cassidy (R-LA) – $2,800,000
Rob Portman (R-OH) – $3,000,000
Joni Ernst (R-IA) – $3,100,000
Marco Rubio (R-FL) – $3,300,000
Cory Gardner (R-CO) – $3,900,000
John McCain (R-AZ) – $7,700,000
Florida Governor Rick Scott – A+ NRA rating
Vice President Mike Pence – A NRA rating
President Donald Trump – $21,000,000+

“The thoughts and prayers are with the victims. The dollars and cents are a different story,” Ruhle said.
They gotta push the age restriction for guns. Any long rifle should be an age of 21+.
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I really see no reason for a civilian to have an AR. None. I’ve shot M-16s, ARs, and all kinds of shit being in the Navy. Nothin good comes out of muthafuckas that aren’t defending this country carrying these weapons. I know people who own em and are safe, but for every one there a fuckball who abuses that privilege and ends a mass of human lives unjustified. SMH

So.. He’s a MAGA fanboy and white supremacist...
Brooke Baldwin broke down a few min ago after a victim's mom let her anguish be heard for all and specifically, Trump
He was looking for his daughter who was missing and wasn't answering her phone. Found out today that she died

View attachment 28941 White America in a nutshell

I said in another’s thread that watching a show gave me insight on how some white people try to justify blantent bullshit and stuff like this just helps me and the case I tried to make. Lmao.

On a non asshole note. All this shootings are just fucking sad on so many levels. My heart goes out to all these folks who are affected by this stuff. I can understand why some people are afraid of the government tightening up on gun ownership (because I’m an owner myself) but something has to be and should’ve been done.

I also liked the fact that Steven A. Smith actually had the temerity to point out how all these non minorities that are committing these heinous acts get the benefit of the doubt as far as people thinking they have mental issues or actually being taken into custody unscathed while unarmed minorities get gunned down for way less by the police
If he was a white nationalist and got training from them isn't it an ideology issue and not mental illness? Then we look at the people who spark this ideology ...the president

He had to have some mental issues, lotta students said he was a weird dude.

One of em on CNN said that the kid had asked for a drink of his water, so he gave him the bottle and the kid sipped it, spit the water out and laughed.

That’s not normal.