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Paranormal Activity

I once had a dark figure stand at the foot of the bed. Then walked out. Scared THEE FUCC outta me.

Then had another one enter my room wit this devilish grin....smh. Fear is something else
I once had a dark figure stand at the foot of the bed. Then walked out. Scared THEE FUCC outta me.

Then had another one enter my room wit this devilish grin....smh. Fear is something else

You were raped.

A lot of these spirits are horny.
I haven't had any real experience with anything I'd call paranormal activity. There was a time last year when I was sitting on the side of my bed and I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I jumped off the bed like


I don't know what in the hell that was. Maybe a muscle spasm from working out that day. I do live by a cemetery but I run by it all the time and I've never seen anything. That type of stuff doesn't scare me. I feel like if you look for something hard enough you will see it.
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Ive had chairs move on they own, doors open, and light on/off
My family has all kind of stories about stuff
Im not sure if dreams would count, but i had two that affect me to this day.
Back in 05 my grandmother passed away like a week after i visited her from Atl. Before i left, i told i her I'd come back to see her before i left and i didn't. The guilt had me fucked up for months. Then one night i i had a drram we were back at her old house in chicago sitting in the living room and im sitting there crying my eyes out trying to apologize for not coming to see her again. She just looked at me,smiled and it was ok baby. I woke up pillows wet like somebody threw water on me in my sleep,but since then i stopped thinking about it.

Second dream i had was when my mom passed away 2013. It my mom,dad and brother all walking down a street dressed in all white. My mom and pops were laughing and giggling in front of me and my brother, then my she just turned and smiled at me. Kept walking for a lil bit then i woke up.
Heard stories but not really any concrete first hand experiences, my sister claims to have seen some little boy dressed in old victorian clothes in the kitchen of our old house, she freaked out and ran to my uncles house screaming and shit, even now 20 years later I will hit her with the "tell me the fucking truth dammit" and she has never folded, I believe her.
I’ve “experienced” things as a child but now as an adult, I’m able to reason as to why I felt I experienced a haunting.

As of most recently, I just had my grandfather pass away from complications after having a triple bypass. He had suffered a massive stroke during surgery and he didn’t wake up for 12 days. The brain damage was too severe.


His name isn’t a common one, Sheldon, so I don’t ever hear it or even read it. For some reason, on the radio, it said there was a “flooding on Sheldon St” - he suffered a massive stroke due to calcium/plaque build up in his heart, it traveled to his brain, flooding it w the calcium/plaque, causing the stroke.

Then on Facebook I seen a random ad that said “Sheldon is fighting for his life, give Sheldon the change to fight his disease”

Very weird shit.

Regardless of the “messages” or “signs”, he was let go Jan 27th.

But again, I reason w my experiences; I was more aware of the name Sheldon because of the situation he was in, so hearing it and seeing it was easier for my brain to pick up on.

But either way, it’s wild shit.
Any of yall believe in paranormal activity/ghosts/voodoo/black magic /etc?

I've met many people who believes in the shit and/or had experiences with it, I never have so I think it's all bullshit, but I actually want to believe in it. Going to a voodoo/black magic ceremony is on my bucket list.

Drop your thoughts and stories.

Never really had experience with it that ive seen. But i believe in spirits
When I was younger, my favorite uncle got shot up not long after he got out of jail. He was paralyzed from the chest down I believe, got the chance to visit him before he died. He lived for months after but the night before they were suppose to try him out with the wheelchair, he died. So fast forward to maybe only a few months after his death, I can't really remember. I was upstairs at my Nana's house with my mother, they were helping me with a book report. I went to the bathroom and as I was walking back to the room I saw him walking into my uncle's room, he looked at me and kept walking. I lost my damn mind, screaming and all. They convinced me that it was probably the lights but I told them he looked at me. Thinking back, they probably really did believe me but didn't want me scared and thinking it was real.
Back in like 04 I believe, we were living in Harlem. We were sitting outside in like this sitting area behind our building letting the kids play and we kept smelling this fire but nothing was burning. So this West Indian woman started telling us how before the building we stayed in was rebuilt, some kids had died in a fire in the old building playing with matches. So she goes on and on telling us about how in her apartment they be messing with her kids and other women kids in the building. So of course when she got done my mother looked at me like you believe that shit? I'm like idk mommy lmao. It's like after the woman told us all of that shit, weird stuff started happening like legit weird stuff.
First incident, we all were playing and blood fell on I believe my little sister's foot from the fucking ceiling. So my mother is like wtf? We're checking everyone, nobody is bleeding but WE tell her it fell from the ceiling.
Second time, my mother takes my brothers to the barbershop. I had to go back to the house for something, so I use the bathroom while i'm there and I hear someone playing with the shades. I'm the only one in the house, everyone else is with my mother. Man, I left the house so damn quick and when I told my mother what happened she's like get the hell outta here.
Third time, She's doing laundry and like we had to go to the basement to do laundry. By this time my mother is already uncomfortable so she's paranoid anyway. She kept telling me how she was hearing shit downstairs but all the while, I'm upstairs on her cell phone and someone is under the bed hitting the mattress while i'm laying down. I'm thinking it's one of my brothers or my sister so I yelled for them to stop and they did it again, look under the bed and nobody is there. I lost my damn mind, ran downstairs and told my mother.
At this point we're like ok..it's some crazy shit going on.
By this time, we're all feeling weird. We started sleeping in one room together because we felt uncomfortable. The icing on the cake for me was one night, everyone was sleep and I was so damn paranoid by this point I barely could sleep most nights. I use to be too damn scared. So I put my headphones on and we had these windows we could almost sit in. I laid my head there and just closed my eyes. Whatever it was just kept hitting the bottom of my mattress, literally hitting it over and over. I closed my eyes until all I remember is waking up in the morning and I told my mother.
She was ready to get the fuck outta there but there was a woman who lived a couple of stories up and she basically ran out of her apartment. She had a lot of kids and her kids stayed complaining about some children bothering them and literally keeping them up at night.

I didn't believe none of this shit, even with that whole situation of me "seeing" my uncle but this right here was the icing on the cake. I believe that shit is real.
I hope it's real, I got a few mfs I wanna do some voodoo to.

What you trying to do? Rhetorical question, but somethings you need to keep in mind.

African is not the same as Haitian Vodoun. Haitian Vodoun is not the same as New Orleans Voodoo. New Orleans Voodoo is often considered the most watered down of all three. Or the most benevolent to say the least.

Do your research. Be cautious of scammers. Follow the ritual exactly as you're told. And have patience. A good spiritualist will inform you before hand that things could take months, but will refund your money if you're not satisfied. Also, rootworkers can get pricey. But you'd be surprised at how white people use their services as well. Sounds like you might want to deal with a Bokor. A spiritualist that deals with the more aggressive side of Vodoun. The more experienced the less chance things screw up and back fire on you.

Now, having revealed all that, the paranormal I respect enough to know I don't know shit to call it bullshit.
Any of yall believe in paranormal activity/ghosts/voodoo/black magic /etc?

I've met many people who believes in the shit and/or had experiences with it, I never have so I think it's all bullshit, but I actually want to believe in it. Going to a voodoo/black magic ceremony is on my bucket list.

Drop your thoughts and stories.

Nah fam, you better leave this shit alone..

I know some niggas from around here that fuck with that voodoo, one being my next door neighbor. He used to go visit a voodoo priest in South Carolina. i dont know if he still does but given the way his luck has turned around over the past 4-5 years I dont think that he do anymore.. Back when he was though? that nigga was untouchable. At first I didn't believe but I saw the shit for myself and after I did I was shook cause this motherfucker was my barber bruh. I started thinking about how people who fuck with voodoo supposedly collect hair or whatever so what if he been collecting mine? So yea over the years i've always tried to stay on this niggas good side and anytime he'd ask me for a favor I would do it cause I didnt need him putting some shit on me or my family.