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Paranormal Activity

Well the shit with my daddy happened from like 8-13. My grandmother happened when I was 17.

Only thing as an adult I've experienced is the smell of my grandma hitting me and something touch my cheek. I was going through something real bad and the next day was the worst day of my life but I felt okay.

Worst day of ur life? What happened if you don't mind me asking.
That ghost at my daddy house hated my daddy and me. It used to turn the light off on my daddy and it locked me in their bathroom and the door was unlocked! My daddy thought I was retarded when he just came and turned the handle and I'm in there screaming crying. When I was 25, he and I were on the phone and he said, "Baby can I ask you something? Did you ever experience anything weird in our old house?" I screamed hell yes.
That ghost at my daddy house hated my daddy and me. It used to turn the light off on my daddy and it locked me in their bathroom and the door was unlocked! My daddy thought I was retarded when he just came and turned the handle and I'm in there screaming crying. When I was 25, he and I were on the phone and he said, "Baby can I ask you something? Did you ever experience anything weird in our old house?" I screamed hell yes.
What a dickhead phantom

Loss my first born.
I'm sorry you had to go through that loss
Aww. It's a fucked up feeling to lose your child and our situation was different and how it was played out was horrible. So I think that's why it still messes with me. I think it's what led my sons dad into a deeper depression and sparked mine. I'm not depressed about it anymore. I still get sad but it messed with my ex so bad. He can't get over it. I feel like if I ain't get that visit. I would be messed up in the head. Not many people know the whole story but those that do, understand why I'm the way I am behind Carlos.
Aww. It's a fucked up feeling to lose your child and our situation was different and how it was played out was horrible. So I think that's why it still messes with me. I think it's what led my sons dad into a deeper depression and sparked mine. I'm not depressed about it anymore. I still get sad but it messed with my ex so bad. He can't get over it. I feel like if I ain't get that visit. I would be messed up in the head. Not many people know the whole story but those that do, understand why I'm the way I am behind Carlos.
I understand we aren't close or anything like that but, if you need a conversation to vent or get something off your chest you can talk to me. Not trying to flirt I'm being for real and that goes for anyone else on the blackweb.
My sister told me my niece when was maybe 2 or 3, pointed out who my mama was.

My mama passed in 1990. My sis had a picture of her and asked my niece who she was, and told her "grandmama". My sis never told her about our mama before that moment. That right there let me know my mama was visiting her grandchild.

Also another situation but wit my nephew. Took a pic of him when he was a baby just giggling up a storm. Had him laying on his back on the couch, and as he was looking up, it was as if he was focused on something. Like he was looking directly at someone, and they was making him laugh.

So I took a pic. When I looked at it. There was this white streak pretty much right above his face. The lamps in the den didn't generate that kinda brightness. Then I realized about others folks have told experiencing similar thing I did. How they captured pics of spirits.

As soon as that crossed my mind, I immediately thought about my mama. Once again playing wit her grandbaby.
I'd rather not, a Lil too personal to go into detail. I will say I was Caucasian though in the one I remember lol

I should fly to where you're at and slap the black off of you.

Tell the damn story.
my orgasms are supernatural. all i gotta do is think bout em n they happen to me. zing!

ok srs reply: I believe magic far as harnessing energy intentionally, good or bad. i think all living creatures got more power than we realize. ignorant beyond that tho.