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Paranormal Activity


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
Any of yall believe in paranormal activity/ghosts/voodoo/black magic /etc?

I've met many people who believes in the shit and/or had experiences with it, I never have so I think it's all bullshit, but I actually want to believe in it. Going to a voodoo/black magic ceremony is on my bucket list.

Drop your thoughts and stories.
Nice change of pace thread.

I don't know about anything paranormal, but I do be having Deju vu like a motherfucka.

Like I just see pictures of a scenario.

When the scenario actually do occurs, I try to walk away from or forget about it because I am freaked out.

I really don't have any noteworthy examples.
My granny came to visit me and my daddy lived in a house that had a ghost in it. The ghost used fuck with us something serious.

I'll type it in a minute.
You don't choose to believe, the occult forces itself on you like any good man to a woman.
I've been waitin for one of these bitch ass ghosts to prove they're real and nothing. They must not come to the projects.
I believe there are supernatural forces at work but, I also believe in not messing with them they don't mess with me.
This ^^

When I was younger I was super religious and terrified of anything evil, always worried about all things related to the devil. Just believing in stuff like that you open yourself to be messed with. I believed in demons and all that and for awhile I thought one was following me around. Named him Moby. I tried fighting back, got into witchcraft and all type a weird shit. Then one day I just stopped believing in all of it and Moby went away, the devil is a lie, and I live a pretty peaceful existence.

Point of the story, if you don't believe in it, you won't experience it.
Need to get that EighthHouse chick from that other board in this thread.

She claims to do "roots" which is voodoo I think.

I stopped joking with that chick afterwards.
''Twas the night before my high school graduation, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse(cause we ain't have that issue)

I'm in my room sleep and I felt something touch my foot, I was sleepy so I ain't really pay it any attention. Then, I felt it again but this time it was a familiar feeling, then I felt my bed push down as if someone was sitting on it. Then I opened my eyes and jumped back and I saw a figure but it wasn't a figure. I can't explain it but as scared as I was, when I saw the figure I calmed down quick as hell. Then without thinking, I just said grandma I did it and I miss you. Then the bed felt like the figure got up and it touched my foot again. Then it left. I was calm as hell and able to go to sleep. The next morning though, I was scared to tell anyone. I eventually told my mama and I cried hard as hell. (I shed a real nigga tear typing this)

Backstory: my grandmother died when I was 14. As a child, she stayed on me and my cousins about staying in school and graduating. When i used to visit, I used to sleep in her room and before I went to sleep she would always talk to me. While we talked, she would touch my feet. It was kinda like the "this little piggy" type thing or she would like massage my foot. When I got to high school, she was super proud and that's all she would talk about. And how I'm going to graduate and she would be there. She died my freshman year. A month after we planned to spend the summer together.
Now my daddy house was haunted. His new wife had a great aunt that died in a house. Well, they gave that house to his new wife. That damn ghost was messing with us tough but nobody would ever say anything because we didn't wanna sound crazy.

I had so many encounters. I remember being sleep on the floor. This was back in the day when we had long as phone cords, so we can carry the phone through the house. Well I had fell asleep on the cord. Then all of a sudden I felt something claw into my side, so I jumped up. I asked my step brother was he pulling the cord and he was in the bathroom taking a shower. So I went back to sleep. I was a good five minutes in some sleep and I felt it again. So I got up and told my daddy. He was like come get in the bed. His wife was like stretched across the bed, so I pulled my little pallet by they bed. Still somehow on this phone cord. It took me 15 minutes to sleep that time cause I was scared. So when I finally fell asleep. That feeling came back but this time it was by my leg and I screamed and the phone cord yanked and fell down. So I screamed daddy and he got up and walked out there to see who was pulling the cord. Nobody.
What about as an adult? Have you experienced anything? Not to say it wasn't real, but as a child we're more susceptible to believe in monsters/ghosts.
Then one time at my daddy house. It was a party and my daddy made me sleep in my step brother room when the party was over. So, I'm in there alone. No tv. Then I start hearing birds chirping. I was half sleep. Then the bird chirps begin to sound like somebody calling my name. So I'm like "huh" then I go to the living room to see who calling me. My uncle was in there snoring loud as hell. My daddy was sleep and his wife. Brothers too. So I go back to sleep and them damn birds start chirping again. Then I heard my name again. So I'm like "man what!" It was nobody again. So now I'm pissed. Somebody fucking with me. Eventually I fell asleep again and this time I heard my uncle snore but his snores became some lady saying my name. I just ran and got in my daddy bed. It went away.
My wife and my son have described my grandfather as someone they saw in this house during a dream.

He died when I was 12
What about as an adult? Have you experienced anything? Not to say it wasn't real, but as a child we're more susceptible to believe in monsters/ghosts.
Well the shit with my daddy happened from like 8-13. My grandmother happened when I was 17.

Only thing as an adult I've experienced is the smell of my grandma hitting me and something touch my cheek. I was going through something real bad and the next day was the worst day of my life but I felt okay.