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Overused Phrases That Need To Die ASAP

I was lost when I first heard lit used because the context of story didn't match what Lit meant to me.

I was at the gym and dude was talking to another dude and said last game was lit.

Lit only meant drunk. I have a alcoholic uncle and that nigga nickname is lit since 94.

Now lit means fun and applies to all things
Where does this My guy shit come from.. do people know how corny that sounds.. it just sounds stupid

i really dont get people i really makes not fucking sense
"Sis", just say fuck you and stop being passive aggressive. It's a white dude who I play ball with who says "Yaaas" when he or someone on his team scores...I don't have the heart to tell him that's for sassy gents lol
Saw someone say they hate when people use words in the wrong context I couldn't agree more.

With that said, I see the word ''petty'' used a lot on Facebook amongst women and I feel like it's being used wrong.