yea i get what you saying to an extent
but i think that the "pace and space" has just become a buzzword to say these days. Not saying that's how you view it, but i've been reading some interesting things about how the new look pelicans will address the supposed "lack of space"
if everyone agrees that basically the pelicans acquisitions of Bledsoe and Adams are just repackaged-ish versions of Jrue/Favors. The Pelicans ranked i think 3rd in 3pta and 7th in efficiency or something...dont quote me, but why do people assume that all of a sudden that's going to stop happening?
I agree with some of the analysis that i've been reading that b/c you have someone like Adams, who isnt as cement shoed as Favors, you can still create spacing along the perimeter to create more driving lanes to the holes, collapse the defense and make the defense have to decide if they are going to defend the roller, the ball handler coming off the screen or the shooter standing waiting for the kick out.
It's not going to be the have a stretch big that can step out to shoot 3s to draw defenders from the basket spacing, but that should be ok...idk man. I'm just not as negative on Adams like most people are just because he doesnt shoot 3s. Hell Favors didnt shoot 3s yet i didnt see a single critique of the team that the pelicans had spacing issues. Why are these becoming critiques now?