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Company's turns Becky heel, the fans say nah fuck that, we fucks with Becky. Boos the shit out of Charlotte who is supposedly the babyface and revolts every week until they change course and put Becky on top.

Yeah she really needed Charlotte. To get the fuck out of the way.

An errant punch from Nia had way more to do with Becky than Charlotte did. That bloody face and not having to job to Ronda at Survivor Series set her up for the success that Charlotte was threatening to take from her in the 1st place.
Who's she doing that too, Charlotte was used to make The Man because the lass kicker wasn't over like that
They were trying to turn her heel! Charlotte doesn't get reverse credit for being so unsympathetic that people cheer her getting beat up. The fans WANTED Becky in that spot from the word go.

Had it worked according to plan, Charlotte would have steamrolled a heel Becky and moved on to Ronda at Mania.

If Charlotte is the end all be all, why does she always fail when they push her as the too babyface? Cause in reality she's the one, who works with the one who makes the money. She ain't ever money herself.
Man plz with this lmaooo

But to me its
Sasha 1A
Charlotte 1B

im Tryin to resist comin off like I dislike Charlotte cause that’s the (white wrestling ) Queen but Chi just a hater
I can understand but Charlotte to me is way more crisp in the ring and all around then Sasha on her best day and Charlotte at her worst. And i love me some Sasha.

Sasha still easily top 5.
Charlotte the Eminem of this shit. Rapping fast don't make you the best and neither does does being able to do a corkscrew moonsault. This shit ain't gymnastics.
No more predominate one on one feuds for Charlotte anymore if they bring her back. Just make her a menace in the women's division, involved in three ways, fatal four ways title shots - - - and gimmick matches in 1v1s (cage, no DQ etc).

I don't wanna see her involved again in another one of those long-winded mano-a-mano situations...just never really entertaining anymore seeing her feud with a gal beyond her few cohorts (the four businesswomen). I think that's fair to admit. If she's in a 1v1 its all but certain she'll win (super powerful character plus heel edge [cheat] means she nigh invincible sometimes like a super villain with a plot device like Thanos).

She needs to be less Thanos and more like idk Deathstroke or something.
Charlotte the Eminem of this shit. Rapping fast don't make you the best and neither does does being able to do a corkscrew moonsault. This shit ain't gymnastics.
Sounds like somebody just dont like Charlotte. Which is fine because i have my own gripe when it comes to Lynch.

Prepare to be sick in 2023 cus the Queen back!
Y'all acting like I said Sasha is Britt Baker level. Sasha is the B tier while Chuck, Becky and Bianca are the A tier

Sasha got multiple classics.

She got Charlotte's best match, bayleys best match, Rondas best match, Auskas best match, Biancas best match, hell she got something good out of Carmella!

The joshis could keep up if given the chance but there's not a woman's wrestler in mainstream North American wrestling with more classics than Sasha, you smoking dust to call her of all people B tier.

Sasha got multiple classics.

She got Charlotte's best match, bayleys best match, Rondas best match, Auskas best match, Biancas best match, hell she got something good out of Carmella!

The joshis could keep up if given the chance but there's not a woman's wrestler in mainstream North American wrestling with more classics than Sasha, you smoking dust to call her of all people B tier.
Nothing wrong with being B tier, Bayley's there and Rhea's there