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Official Wrestling News Thread

Give it up with this dude, how many times are they going to give us this match, it's the same thing with AJ and Nakamura too
Elias winning the IC title from Seth would be a good look

That would be the idea scenario for me

He defends successfully at MITB

ramps up his “im a real champ/the champ of raw” talk (throwing shots at Lesnar)

Heyman warns Seth about provoking the beast...ask your boy Roman

Elias gets a rematch at July PPV (NO DQ stip)
Brock comes out

Wrecks Seth and Elias...puts Elias on top of Seth for the cover

Seth and Elias are protected

Elias gets IC

Seth in Program with Lesnar (Have Roman give Seth “advice” about Brock...Seth is listening...but he gives Roman the “thanks but not thanks...you couldnt even beat him bruh” lines

Seth beats Lesnar

Roman beats the snot out of him outta jealously the next night

And all is right in WWE
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Give it up with this dude, how many times are they going to give us this match, it's the same thing with AJ and Nakamura too
It's not the same, most main even Mania feuds go 2 to 3 ppvs long back to back. The issue with Brock and Reigns is it keeps happening with like 3 to 4 month breaks between so it's like they want to give it to Reign but right when they do they push another match months down the line and repeat.
The only thing I'd actively seek is to curbstomp you on a Chicago street.

Mind yours. The shit you accuse of others doing when it pertains to you.