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Official Wrestling News Thread

Horrible decision

Eh, it’s understandable in some aspects. Giving the talent less dates so they can have more downtime isn’t a bad thing. It’s not like back in the day where they had to work double shots on the regular. The downside tho is ticket prices are gonna rise for live events. It cost me a grip to go to that Day 1 Raw New Years Day. Can just imagine how it’ll be next year.
I'd never waste money on a live event tbh. I watch wrestling for storylines with good ring work. Tho with Live Events the talent can be wacky and have fun it just doesn't do anything for the big picture to pay for it. Yeah you might get some cool match ups but who gives a fuck about it outside the 1500 people there with you when it's over.

More happy for the guys and gals who get to spend more time at home with their family even if it means ticket prices are higher for Raw/Smackdown and PLEs.
Eh, it’s understandable in some aspects. Giving the talent less dates so they can have more downtime isn’t a bad thing. It’s not like back in the day where they had to work double shots on the regular. The downside tho is ticket prices are gonna rise for live events. It cost me a grip to go to that Day 1 Raw New Years Day. Can just imagine how it’ll be next year.

My issue is only with the rising ticket prices for like a raw / Smackdown or PLE. Them shits already kinda a grip now I can imagine once they cut down on live events