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Official Wrestling News Thread

In speaking to sources close to the situation, the visa blowup is a result of Texas independent wrestling promotion Full Blown Pro Wrestling, which runs Laredo and who had essentially sponsored the group visas for the CMLL talents, running into issues with CMLL management over the course of the visa process. PWInsider is told that CMLL head Salvador Lutteroth had placed other employees, one of whom was heading up the legal department for CMLL but has since left the promotion, in charge of the visa process on CMLL's end.

PWInsider.com is told that the United States Department of Homeland Security contacted Full Blown Pro Wrestling promoter Jerry Cadena with questions regarding the visas (PWInsider.com has not confirmed the specificity of the issue) and that he was informed that he could be accused of fraud if the visas were flagged due to the issue.

As the story goes, Cadena then contacted CMLL about working together to iron out the problem but CMLL's side claimed they would take care of the issue via the United States Embassy in Mexico and wouldn't respond beyond that statement. It should be noted that the Department of Homeland Security, not the Embassy for a specific country, actually issues the work visas here in the United States. We are told by one source that the belief on the CMLL side was they would be able to handle it as a family member works for The Embassy. Whether that could actually be the case remains to be seen.

However with CMLL no longer communicating with Cadena, but his name remaining on the line legally, the word is that he informed the United States Government he no longer had any intentions of working with CMLL going forward and that any agreements he signed to work with their talents were being terminated as of 2/28, which would be today.

So, what does this mean?

Unless there is some sort of miracle to sort this out, which seems unlikely, the aforementioned talents would not be able to travel into the United States legally to perform until a new work visa is acquired for them. We are told such a process could take a few months if everyone involved pays some pretty expensive fees to expedite everything and if everything goes as smoothly as possible, but at times the work visa process could take upwards of six to twelve months.

So, CMLL talents advertised for Wrestlemania weekend events in Philadelphia, New Japan Pro Wrestling's Windy City Riot, etc. may not actually be able to make those dates and perform - again, unless there is some sort of resolution - or someone spends a LOT of money to get the new visas in place while hoping they will be done in time for those big shows here in the United States this Spring.