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Official Wrestling News Thread

And Trick is still kinda green. He don't need to be called up anywhere in the next 6 months.

Yea, he really just started showing improvement recently I don't see him being called up for atleast another year. I think he holds down the upper midcard for a while. Probably chases after that NXT title a few times and them maybe wins the big one at some point b4 going up
Yea, he really just started showing improvement recently I don't see him being called up for atleast another year. I think he holds down the upper midcard for a while. Probably chases after that NXT title a few times and them maybe wins the big one at some point b4 going up
Facts. He just started having solo matches over 10 minutes in 2023. Doesn't make sense for him and Melo to be on the same timeline.
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Aside from Ilja who ain't dropping that title soon, I got Lexis King, Oba, and Tony D getting pushed since I don't see him being called up this year. I'd say Axiom and Frazier too but they might be kept a tag team and/or called up sooner than later. They def need some new blood in there.

NXT's womens roster has always been deep so they'll be aight. Lyra, Lola, Lash, Fallon, Lash, Queen Kiana, Kelani, Arianna Grace all got it or got potential. Sol Luca on the way and we just got NiKKKita Lyons back too so they're straight.

Axiom and Frazier need to be on the main roster but if one of them stays it’s probably Frazier. It might be too late for Tony D and I don’t see this gimmick translating well on the main roster. He would need a serious reset where they strike gold.

The women’s roster will be fine tho