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Official Wrestling News Thread

I hope these guys get another shot down the line. Maybe not together, but it seems like they just fell victim to another episode of "creative has nothing for you right now."
yeh Hunter pushed them outta the paint after awhile cause even before Vince came back and they were still on TV
But Hunter essentially used them to write the Maxxine / Alpha Academy plot thread

Hard to see where they would have gone afterwards when you got Pretty Deadly on the same roster tho
Had a nice run in NXT

Was paired with Dolph when he went back to the main roster for a while and then eliminates Brock at the men’s rumble in 2020 to a loud ass pop and beats Brock for a world title at that years mania
Drew is 6 foot 5 270lbs......& moves well in the ring... these are 2 positives in his favor.
yeh Hunter pushed them outta the paint after awhile cause even before Vince came back and they were still on TV
But Hunter essentially used them to write the Maxxine / Alpha Academy plot thread

Hard to see where they would have gone afterwards when you got Pretty Deadly on the same roster tho
I could see both being back in WWE if they continue wrestling, though I agree that they looked redundant with a team life Pretty Deadly around. They were also bad for the gimmick because no time had passed for anyone to forget who both of them were not that long ago. The gimmick looked more like a desperate attempt to have a gimmick. Forcing LA Knight into gimmick made it worse as because he looked like a dog when you put them in shoes or a sweater they hate as Max.

Mansoor showed flashes of being able to get a crowd behind him. At one point didn't he go on a short singles run?

Mace embraced every gimmick he was put into and seemed to get the most out of what he was given.
Vince reasserted control in 2020 and Boogs was one of his projects going into 2022. Boogs suffered a major injury in 2022 and when he returned, HHH was now in control. Projects like Boogs, Moss, and Ezekiel were deemphasized or scrapped. Simple as that
During a stream on Twitch with Mace, former WWE star Mansoor commented on the RAW after Wrestlemania 39 and Vince McMahon changing plans right before the show…

“Raw after Mania. Card is up, show is rehearsed. Hunter [Triple H] has been running the show for a while. Mania was a huge success. We weren’t on it because we were told we were being taken off TV right before. We’re sitting backstage and in catering with Omos. He’s got some disgusting slop on his plate. He gets a call, answers the phone, gets up and runs out. We’re looking at him, we’re with Tyson Kidd[TJ Wilson]. Ten minutes later we’re like, ‘did [Omos] just leave his pile of food here?’ It was a call saying, ‘Omos, you’re booked for Raw in an hour, you need to go get your gear.’ He didn’t bring his gear because he wasn’t supposed to work the show. He had to run back to his hotel and get his gear from when he worked Mania. Vince came through and just changed the whole show an hour before. Suddenly, the first match after WrestleMania was Omos squashing Elias, for no reason.”