Negative you need to look at the lying ryan PEDs situation, when people are using PEDS they pack on pounds. Thats why fury likes being a heavyweight since they can weigh in as heavy as they want. Fury has already been busted several times for cheating and should be banned from boxing.
This is crazy, there are tons of different PEDS not all are used to or even help you put on weight or muscle... Look at skinny cyclists and long distance runners who get popped...
Just to name a few you got:
Diuretics to help you lose weight...
Some anabolics and peptides to help you recover from injury or exercise...
Stuff like EPO that helps with endurance...
Stimulants like oxilofrine helps with increase adrenaline and focus, then at the opposite ends Beta Blockers that are often used in target sports and racing to help lower your heart rate for a different kind of focus...
Then the high money athletes will have designer PEDs tailor made for them...
Obviously stuff like Nand, Tren, Test and HGH will be used by guys trying to pack on pounds but thats not what every athlete uses PEDS for...
Fury was caught Nand, he may had used to to gain muscle but hes a big guy anyways so he was prolly using it to help with recovery so he could train harder... I would guess he uses diuretic type PEDS to drop weight before camp...