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I respect teachers. They have to deal with bad ass little kids, dumbass parents, a system that doesn't always give them the support they need, and a society that undervalues their roles. It's one of those professions that the world needs, but I don't know why anyone would choose to do it.
I don't like Personal Injury Court show. The judge never hold accountability to the plaintiff. The judge be like "since the defendant punched you back in defense, and multiple witnesses has stated that the plaintiff started the hostile environment and punched the defendant first. Due to my verdict, I declare the defendant to pay the plaintiff $300,000 for punching too hard" smdh

almost got murdered earlier

sum random mf was muggin hard af, so I told my homie lets dip cuz the vibe was off

then him & sum other dude run to a car & start to chase us on the interstate.. I mean runnin red lights & all

they pulled up alongside & started firing

then seconds later we see blue lights on the other side of the road

homie stops in the middle of the road & we flag the cops

even w/ bullet holes in the car the cops didn't believe us

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asked me if I think my homie set me up & I'm like "why tf would they pull on the driver side (I'm passenger) & shoot if it's a set up?"

my homie said they asked if I was a drug dealer smh

even if you a victim they still see a suspect

but this sum shit I'll never understand, never seen the dudes before, so what tf was they tryna accomplish besides kill us

they missed the drop to rob us while we were sittin if that's the case

jus tryna make it make sense

this is scary asf

and oh fuck the cops
Ok. So, today I went out and did my sweeping thing. You know, trying to keep the block clean and shit.

This time, muhfuckas appreciates it.

I got these gifts throughout the day.

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(this was given to me in a big ass bag, like a care package)

At least they care about the block enough to respect work being put in. Now, if only I can get them to keep it clean.....

daaaaaaamn they say my nigga looked ashy and stressed out

not the ointment
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