Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Our focus needs to be working on resolving issues with food deserts..bringing focused and charter schools to our neighborhoods, along with things like music instiutes, swimming gymnasiums, and outdoor activities for kids. Combating homelessness and drug addiction.

These things that people do in our communities for these things needs to stop being stuff that they do privately and they need to be on front street

Or...why can't we focus it all?

Why is it that we gotta pick one lane...and just focus on that? I'm certain we can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Where did the badges and name colors vanish to? I decided I'd wait a couple days before asking bc I didn't wanna be pestering. I assumed it was a glitch that was going to be fixed eventually.
Loving working from home. Having movies...shows...Twitch...hell seeing outside makes things better.

I'm more relaxed than I've ever been
Or...why can't we focus it all?

Why is it that we gotta pick one lane...and just focus on that? I'm certain we can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I'm not talking about not doing all, I'm saying the amount of attention paid to things with alot of work and not the same payoff. Should be put into things that overall has a larger payoff.

Imagine having some land to grow stuff, and you got to the part of the land where the dirt is dry and put a lot of effort in tilling it, and fertilizing it, and you finally get growable dirt. And all you plant there is one apple tree.

You put so much energy into that, while you neglected soil where and agriculture that gives you much more back in the long run. So my thing is expend more energy on that stuff, cause if we cut the pipe line to prison.

Through better facilities and added opportunities in our community. Theres less people to feed that systemic prison system.

We are working more on the symptom and not the sickness. To put it in another way, when you go into for mental health. The meds they give you dont fix the sickness, it lowers the symptoms so you can fix the sickness. People put all this time into finding ways to curb symptoms and never work on the sickness. Yoga..diets..drugs..meditation..but never work on the things that bring you to the need of wanting to do that stuff.
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