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You might be right.
I don't know what's real anymore.
I support the black lives matter idea and sentiment but I don't support it if it's co-opted.

Now, there is a difference between the sentiment and the actual organization..........but it's kinda confusing.

I've heard talk that the BLM organization is scattered and there isn't any real central hierarchy or anything.

I've also heard talk that it's a front for the LGBTQ movement.

And of course, that George Soros is funding them.

Keep in mind, however, that the far right accuses George Soros of funding any and everything having to do with the Left.

Even said he was responsible for those caravans of illegals coming through Mexico.
Seriously though, if he's just looking at the porn chicks and not into any suspect shit.........I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Probably just a mistake or a glitch or something.
I thought it was just me. Had me sweating out here, I know I go against the grain sometimes, but I keep it respectful, though.


Soooooo. Nickelodeon announced SB is gay I heard
Last night I saw a white dude with hair like Robert Downey Jr make a Du-rag tutorial :tuh:,it was one of

the pink joints too,"The pink Du-rug,PINK !,you heard me ?"-Big Pilly
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