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So I'm having a conversation with someone this morning who's mad that a younger member of their family is pregnant but not in a relationship with the person they are pregnant by.

They are telling me that the person is ruining their life and I'm telling them that the person is in their twenties and in your twenties you make bad decisions but you can recover if you have family that cares about you.

The convo goes on and I explained that I had a cousin that got pregnant at 14 but shes doing a lot better now. Then the convo gets on that its because of the help of her sister. A sister that was like a sister growing up with me.

We grew up in poverty in the hood and adapted to the ideals that the hood was all we could aspire for. But she always had more that me. Then I got my head right and started doing better than here. Unbeknownst to me, she put herself in competition with me because up to that point she was always on top on our dynamic.

I copped a whip, so copped a better whip, I got engaged, she skipped the wedding and married her current man in the courthouse before my wedding date. I stop renting and bought a house, after seeing my house, she bought bigger house.

So shes eclipsed me and no longer competes with me, but in her ascension, shes doubled back to me and spoke to me about the trails of dealing with family once you ascend and even apologized about how she dealt with it with me.

I say that to say..because of me, her family now had children that's not going to grow up in the ghetto, becaus of her, her sister has kids that's not going to grow up in the ghetto..

My face when I realized Im the catalist for lifting three whole generations out of the ghetto

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So this was just a long winded way to say that you the GOAT ? "riight"

@AP21 ,you delete my post ? I MISS @Kandy !
What's up with people getting tattoos of other people on them. That shit makes no sense. I mean I can understand getting the likeness of a loved one tattooed on you, but getting some person you have no connection to whatsoever is crazy. I seen this black chick probably in her mid 20s with a Marilyn Monroe tat. Why? Monroe was dead before that chick was even thought of. Given when Monroe was alive, there's a good chance she would have looked at that chick like she was a monkey. There's no sense in shit like that.

It's a good thing I read, cause I'm saying neither.

Anybody who legit loves the Jordan 2's is solid in my book.
Just seen the orginal film that started the whole cat fish show. That shit is sad bruh, like..emotionally sad. You feel sad for the person that was catch fishing homie.
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