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I used to have a cat(20yrs I had that cat) and he would hook his paws around my leg whenever I would have a bath/shower. He'd also clasped onto my finger and try N pull me outta the tub. Hilarious but kinda spooky cuz like wtf, do you know something I dont? Like I'm gonna slip and die!?

Today was almost that day. Rinsing out the conditioner bottles in the shower instead of the sink and I slip. What did my dumb ass grab for support? The fucking removable showerhead! Thank gawd I caught myself without actually falling cuz I coulda been a shit load of pain rn.
Maybe mine was bad because i had all four removed but they hadn't grown in yet. They had to cut my gums to get to them then remove them.
My bottom row where the same, top two had popped out.
They did a new technique were they spun a blood clot and put it in the open wond, sod it would make it hurt less and heal faster. Must have worked.
What kind of phone you got?

Galaxy S8. Almost time for an update tho but it's been serving me well so far.

I had like 2 HTC joints before this but after some years both of the charge ports went out on me... couldn't charge them for shit after that.. ever since then I made sure to get something with wireless charging
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