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Shit man, that's possible, Epstein was killed, the cameras didn't work, and the guards neglected their duty. Then the guys tasked with finding out who killed him,was the same guys that killed him. It was mad sloppy, mad obvious. And then a few weeks everyone just moved on to other things.
No I got a good habit of promoting my flaws to people, so if shit happens and they take it personal. I can point out to them that.."hey, I told you I do that shit'..so if you engage wit me and that shit happens. It your fault not mine, and if you're mad at anyone. You should be mad at yourself.

I'm sure I said I got a bad memory tho, it's funny with women cause I'll ask them something and 30 minutes later I'll ask again. And they'll get mad and say I dont care cause i didnt make a point to remember. Like memory is some shit you can just do...

Lol..I hate women so much bruh..

View attachment 178072but pussy feel so good
I'll do the same shit, it's just cuz my mind busy busy busy with a bunch of shit.
I woke up the Chicago Marathon already got a winner fam finished it in 2 hrs and 4 mins

What makes Those East Africans so prolific at distance running

I'd rather read a story of him checking into rehab every month vs OD'ing or being locked up because of his addiction and the tragedies that come with it

For real bruh.

dude seemed to be doing alot better recently.. must've relapsed.. shits unfortunate. Hope he get whatever demon is on his back tf off soon
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