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whats crazy is a lot of southerners migrated to the midwest, but its obvious whose folks had already set up shop as evidenced by their poor food preparation choices that have been passed down to their family tree...sad
I said this same thing once.

I hate that some of us celebrate what we were told to do, or told to live or told to eat or deal with what's left behind.

Niggas scared to trailblaze cuz they mommas momma was ok with the shit back then.

Back then don't mean we have to take it now.
Yall like my 2nd family. Shit on the real, i talk to yall mfs more than most family members lol

I love yall man

Looks interesting I’ll keep this in mind for the future

Idk if the key in the car, house, or maybe in one of my pockets or something
Bruh, it tells you the last place it was at, it rings if you near enough for the Bluetooth to pick it up and you can use it to find ya phone

Sometimes I leave then in my room and make my kids find it. They love that lil jingle it does
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