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That new law in TX made me think...

I wanna make a thread about how men and women view sex and flirting differently. I think it's important to consider the fact that men and women just process sexual energy differently.

For example... Empathy allows us to put ourselves in the shoes of someone else. Empathy puts us in the other person's position. We can empathize with someone being mistreated because we know we don't want that treatment for ourselves.

But when it comes to sex... The lines can get blurry sometimes.

For example, Men send unsolicited pics because for the most part we like receiving unsolicited surprise pics.

Men flirt and cat call because for the most part if women did that to us on the streets we would enjoy it.

Women for the most part don't want a dude to just pull their dick out without warning and we definitely shouldn't, but ask a man if they would mind if a woman just pulled her titty out without warning you'll probably get a different answer.

My point is men and women just process sexual energy differently and I think it's important to consider the nuances.

And I'm not speaking about sexual abuse of any kind, just flirting and pics.

Am I wrong?
  • Ether
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Instead of arguing for 2-3 pages in here about it...

somebody just make a damn "Running people off of ABW discussion continued...." thread and be done with it already. Jeez

I said I wasn't gonna swing on anybody today so you good.
I find it funny when mf'ers complain about what's happening in a thread but are always posting in said thread, why can't they just stay away
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