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vader and obi is going to fight again:-< ¶ ok I'm out. Thanks but no thanks disney. Way to shit all over continuity. Disney and star wars is a bad mix I'm sick of that damn mouse.
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Where does it say they only fought once?

How does this mess with continuity when we dont even know what happens in the show yet
Vader: I've been waiting for you kbi-wan you should not have come back. When I left you I was but the learned now I am the master." So 20 years after the fight in mustafar he is still but the learner... That doesn't mind if you ask me. That ain't it. When he said he was but the learner he was just begining to learn the ways of the sith
It's implied, Obi and Yoda went into exile and hid for almost 2 decades

implied... but not stated directly... so theres room there

Vader: I've been waiting for you kbi-wan you should not have come back. When I left you I was but the learned now I am the master." So 20 years after the fight in mustafar he is still but the learner... That doesn't mind if you ask me. That ain't it. When he said he was but the learner he was just begining to learn the ways of the sith

"When I left you"

last I checked Obi-Wan left Anakin punkass leggless and crying in the lava to cook... whose to say in this fight they bout to have Vader kicks Obi Wans ass and leaves him hurt somewhere this time. Sounds like room for another encounter without breaking continuity to me.

And by the the time he turns to the dark side he was still learning from Sidious so he couldnt claim to be any kind of master. Still enough wiggle room to toss in this upcoming fight before they meet again in a new hope.

implied... but not stated directly... so theres room there

"When I left you"

last I checked Obi-Wan left Anakin punkass leggless and crying in the lava to cook... whose to say in this fight they bout to have Vader kicks Obi Wans ass and leaves him hurt somewhere this time. Sounds like room for another encounter without breaking continuity to me.

And by the the time he turns to the dark side he was still learning from Sidious so he couldnt claim to be any kind of master. Still enough wiggle room to toss in this upcoming fight before they meet again in a new hope.

Story better if they never saw each other until Obi Wan's sacrifice. Obi hiding out on Tatooine cause he know Vader will never come back there in exile like yoda told him. No reason for him to run into Vader whatsoever
Story better if they never saw each other until Obi Wan's sacrifice. Obi hiding out on Tatooine cause he know Vader will never come back there in exile like yoda told him. No reason for him to run into Vader whatsoever

in YOUR headcanon maybe.

Me.. i'll be watching to see where they take the story and what could possibly bring Obi-Wan out of his self-imposed exile

in YOUR headcanon maybe.

Me.. i'll be watching to see where they take the story and what could possibly bring Obi-Wan out of his self-imposed exile


Stupidity. Luke the most important person in this story so Obi just leave him without any protection when the sand people running amok stealing from the farmers
Sorry but there is no reason for him to be flying around the galaxy with a big ass bounty on his head and risk running into the dude he's hiding from who was out locating and executing Jedi
Sorry but there is no reason for him to be flying around the galaxy with a big ass bounty on his head and risk running into the dude he's hiding from who was out locating and executing Jedi

maybe the inquisitors show up on Tatooine looking for him and he has to lead them away so they dont find out about Luke.

I just thought of that 2 seconds after reading your post. I'm sure the actual writers can come up with a decent reason for dude to leave. You seem to be determined to hate before it even comes out lol
maybe the inquisitors show up on Tatooine looking for him and he has to lead them away so they dont find out about Luke.

I just thought of that 2 seconds after reading your post. I'm sure the actual writers can come up with a decent reason for dude to leave. You seem to be determined to hate before it even comes out lol
You think you won, I'm gonna come back to this
in YOUR headcanon maybe.

Me.. i'll be watching to see where they take the story and what could possibly bring Obi-Wan out of his self-imposed exile

It wasn't self imposed Yoda instructed him to take the boy to his family on tattoine and watch over him.
in YOUR headcanon maybe.

Me.. i'll be watching to see where they take the story and what could possibly bring Obi-Wan out of his self-imposed exile

It wasn't self imposed Yoda instructed him to take the boy to his family on tattoine and watch over him
They gotta show when he finds out he failed in killing Vader on Mustafar
He an discover that by watching a hologram news reel.