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Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Say They Only Bathe Their Kids When 'You Can See the Dirt on Them'

When I was little I took a shower every lords Sunday cuz I just hated showering.. Then I got older, balls started sweating more and had no choice but to shower every day. Plus, it was an opportunity to jack the Johnson in private. Win win situation.
I think it comes from parents saying no when a kid asks if they can have a bath. Ive heard friends say it to their kids and it's like jfc you don't tell a kid no to baths, veggies or dishes, that's the 3!!

I grew up being allowed to go have a bath/shower whenever I wanted and so did my girls. I'll take showers just cuz I don't feel well, sometimes water is the only thing that makes me feel better when I'm sick. Other times it's just cuz my aura feels yucky. Have a shower and it's like ahhhh, feel brand new.

And I know some people say nah you just wash up the main areas: crotch, ass, pits, face, teeth. And everything else every second day. But like, you feel have washed or less if you do that, I don't feel no different. I'm trying to feel fresh, clean and alive. Water is good for the soul.