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Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Say They Only Bathe Their Kids When 'You Can See the Dirt on Them'

I don't know why some of you like making excuses for this kind of filth (I know why 😏)

How many examples do you have to be given of alabasters admitting to their filthy ways?

They aren't trolling...MANY of them live this way and always have
White ppl wild af. Will wash they hair everyday but not they ass. Nasty mfs.

They got so many excuses for why they dont bathe properly. "Soap everyday strips you of natural oils"....that's wtf cocoa butter is for, snow roach.
"A washcloth or loofah dries your skin so I just use my hand"....again, body butter/lotion....but then they'll hit you with "lotion clogs your pores"...


The commitment to being dirty AND ashy is unparalleled. Just in the bed crusty. And you know they don't wash they sheets regularly either.

One of the many negative stereotypes I heard about white people from my Maa and grandparents growin' up was that they don't wash properly

I actually never heard that growing up, but I've heard it a lot lately. I thought it was just some standard anti-white shit, but I'm starting to wonder about it now.

I've actually seen doctors give reasons for why bathing every day may not be the best, so I guess I can understand someone not believing that bathing everyday should be considered a mandatory thing. However, the whole "we don't bathe unless we see dirt" shit is stupid. It's not like visible dirt is required for a person to smell funky as hell.
White ppl wild af. Will wash they hair everyday but not they ass. Nasty mfs.

They got so many excuses for why they dont bathe properly. "Soap everyday strips you of natural oils"....that's wtf cocoa butter is for, snow roach.
"A washcloth or loofah dries your skin so I just use my hand"....again, body butter/lotion....but then they'll hit you with "lotion clogs your pores"...


The commitment to being dirty AND ashy is unparalleled. Just in the bed crusty. And you know they don't wash they sheets regularly either.



& let us not forget the Moors civilized those savages in Europe

taught them how to bathe & brush they teeth

taught them how to build irrigation systems so they'd have runnin water, that way everyone could stop shittin in the same bucket down at the town square (which helped fuel the black plague)

quite frankly, that filthiness is embedded in their DNA