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Mike Tyson Serving Speed Knots On Jet Blue Flight

It's not really that hard at all 🤷‍♂️

You don't think equating a man attacking another man over a joke about his wife that came in the midst jokes about other people as a planned and understood part of an award show to a man trying to mind his own business and then attacking another man that was incessantly hounding him on a plane is a pretty big leap?

If people really think those two scenarios are comparable enough to even mention, that says a lot about people's reasoning ability or lack thereof these days.
Ahh ah ahh
Not me
It's not the exact same shit but you can see how one would make parallels
Especially if they're pro Willard in the scenario

The common denominator is that someone reacted violently to perceived disrespect

Ignoring all the other big differences between the two scenarios, the big problem with drawing that connection is that in Mike's situation the violation was sustained even after he gave the offender a chance to walk away. Will reacted violently to a one-off incident without even attempting to resolve the issue in a more peaceful manner.

If someone thinks Will was right, that's fine, but you can't just make it the equivalent of every situation where one person hits another person. lol
even after he gave the offender a chance to walk away
Other than the clips I can't tell the details of the mike situation

Will reacted violently to a one-off incident
Was it one off tho?
Chris already cracked on them plus in Will's tear-filled rant he was connecting the incident to other shit, bro prolly don't think of it as one off.

but you can't just make it the equivalent of every situation where one person hits another person. lol
Oh u think so huh?!
Welcome to the internet
Other than the clips I can't tell the details of the mike situation

One of the clips has buddy harrassing Mike for a couple minutes straight with the person filming expressing his disbelief at the fact that the dude wouldn't leave Mike alone. You also see Mike try to laugh and wave the dude off to no avail.

Was it one off tho?
Chris already cracked on them plus in Will's tear-filled rant he was connecting the incident to other shit, bro prolly don't think of it as one off.

Chris made another joke about Jada that night? I actually didn't know that. And Will connecting the incident to other shit is yet another example of why these two things aren't comparable. Tyson was reacting solely to what was happening at that moment. He wasn't carrying a bunch of baggage from other shit and taking it out on the first person that rubbed him the wrong way.

Oh u think so huh?!
Welcome to the internet

Touche lol
Mike def rich enough to fly private if he wants to. Commercial is jus more convenient (except when this goes down)

I know ppl who def are not as rich as Mike w (small) private jets

Pretty sure i heard Lil Duval owns 2 private planes

The way to make it work is to lease it out when u aren't using it so its always making money. Rich ppl basically got an uber app for private planes to catch last min at reduced rates.

Need a pilot too... or learn how fly ur own thats what Duval do i think

Mike has gone through a lot of money through his lifetime plus bankruptcy. He might not want to waste money on flying private and he shouldn't have to if he doesn't want to. Plus cac got off easy. If it was Mike of old he would Mitch Greened him.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he still sues…he completely deserved it but consider the times we live in