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Michael Porter Jr catches flack over comments about WNBA players.

Their pay is already being subsidized by the league as is. If they're not drawing the revenue how do they expect pay raises? Can't pay them with money that isn't there.

It's unfortunate but its a 4 month gig and none of them are living below the poverty line.

No one ever wants to discuss the real elephant in the room, that women don't support women's major league sports the same way they do college and men's major league sports. 🤷🏿‍♂️

Not sure why they haven't lowered the age requirement by now either. They're risking the talent aging out or getting stagnant having to spend 4-5 years in college. Probably to protect older women in the league but pick your poison.
I don't see how this continues to even be a discussion. The WNBA doesn't make any money. It only exists because its subsidized by the NBA and the team owners are willing to basically treat those teams like charities. The players have absolutely no ground to stand on. How you going to request better revenue sharing in a league that pulls no revenue? lol

Honestly, WNBA players always come off like spoiled brats. They whine about not making enough money and having to get second jobs, which is ridiculous for reasons already mentioned but then get indignant and combative every time anyone makes suggestions about how the product might be improved to increase the money brought in. The NBA has made tons of changes over its decades of operation and the players, whether they like those changes or not, roll with them. The WNBA players act like they are too good to even consider modifying their product but constantly complain when that product is profitable.
Nigga u cold. After taxes how much dat is?

Plus u kno broads like nice things. All them prolly spending a grip on useless nonsense.

After all dat they prolly clearing 35 gees

lol You're probably right, but that just proves they need to be honest. You're going overseas to play not because you need to but because you want to so that you can live the high life you want. I think most people would respect that. Nobody respects someone making 6 figures with one job acting like they have to work another job to survive.

Is the WNBA a profitable league in 2023: Examining how the league is performing financially over the years​

ByKevin McCormick
Modified Jan 18, 2023 20:02 GMT
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Like other pro sports leagues, the WNBA is a business. At their base, the goal of every business is to make a profit.
Former NBA commissioner David Stern founded the WNBA in the spring of 1996. The first season began a year later with the league consisting of 12 teams based in the United States.

Over the next 25 years, the league has seen minimal growth. Despite countless talented women coming about during its time, it just can't seem to get off the ground.

Since there has been minimal growth since its birth, many wonder if the league brings in any money. The answer to that question is no.

Back in 2018, current NBA commissioner Adam Silver spoke on the league's financial outlook. He cited that the WNBA has never once turned a profit. The league loses roughly 10 million dollars a year and lost close to $12 million in 2017.

End Quote

The "W" in WNBA stands for Welfare. They've been subsidised since day 1 of their existence and 25 years later, still sucking the teet off the mother franchise that is the NBA.

Only one way to make their sport interesting...

Is the WNBA a profitable league in 2023: Examining how the league is performing financially over the years​

ByKevin McCormick
Modified Jan 18, 2023 20:02 GMT
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Like other pro sports leagues, the WNBA is a business. At their base, the goal of every business is to make a profit.
Former NBA commissioner David Stern founded the WNBA in the spring of 1996. The first season began a year later with the league consisting of 12 teams based in the United States.

Over the next 25 years, the league has seen minimal growth. Despite countless talented women coming about during its time, it just can't seem to get off the ground.

Since there has been minimal growth since its birth, many wonder if the league brings in any money. The answer to that question is no.

Back in 2018, current NBA commissioner Adam Silver spoke on the league's financial outlook. He cited that the WNBA has never once turned a profit. The league loses roughly 10 million dollars a year and lost close to $12 million in 2017.

End Quote

The "W" in WNBA stands for Welfare. They've been subsidised since day 1 of their existence and 25 years later, still sucking the teet off the mother franchise that is the NBA.

Only one way to make their sport interesting...


Wow!!!! @ bolded.

WNBA jus burning money for shits n giggles.

Dunno why WNBA players get so offended when you say they should lower the rim. They get so damn mad.
Because if you do that, the top 50 players in the league immediately becomes a completely different list overnight.

That change would threaten those who differentiated themselves off of being elite shooters.
I wonder how them wnba broads feel playin in a league that is basically a welfare jobs program. That no one watches n gives af bout.

And the fact that the nba would rather keep loosing money over shutting down the league n take the 2 day PR hit
Why don't they just lower the rim? Shaq and others keep telling them this, but we live in a world where women do not want to hear the truth. Men are physically superior to men and can reach the rim at that height. Lower the damn rim.
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Why don't they just lower the rim? Shaq and others keep telling them this, but we live in a world where women do not want to hear the truth. Men are phydivally superior to men and can reach the rim at that height. Lower the damn rim.
I think a lot of those women think they’re really elite like the the men are…… just in there league .
I wonder how them wnba broads feel playin in a league that is basically a welfare jobs program. That no one watches n gives af bout.

And the fact that the nba would rather keep loosing money over shutting down the league n take the 2 day PR hit

They just ignore that fact. If they acknoweledged it, they couldn't be seriously asking for the same revenue shares as the men get.

The same way some of them will claim sexism is the reason the league doesn't do well even though Adam Silver has pointed out that the one demographic that's been consistent for their league is older men who prefer a more fundamental basketball style.
That's their only problem. They and their supporters see what the men make and compare. Who else out here making a hundred k or close to it and has to get a second job?!? Laughable.


They go overseas to make extra, to live a lifestyle they want. That's on them.

Notice they never say they can't live on a 150K salary for 4 months of work publicly, cause they know they'd catch heat for that.