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Miami Mayor Says the US Should Consider Bombing Cuba

The amount of love the Cuban government getting on TikToc is crazy.

Theres alot of nuance on why though.

Lets remember that left vs right, or communism vs capatilism, was a real important political divide from the 1950s on. It started to die out during our generation.

But, thats still 60+ years of propaganda on both sides.

For 60 years there was a powerful propaganda machine that supported all communist/socialist regimes and pushed the news that anything bad any of these regimes do is US propaganda.

Also, there was a propaganda machine that everything that happened is Americas fault.

And btw, that isnt wrong. Lets not absolve America. America fucked up alot of countries just because they didnt agree with capatilism.

I broke down operation gladio somewhere here. So america is as dirty as they all say.

But, with that said, the discussions end up devolving to all socislist regimes are good. Like people want to say fuck America so bad, that they praise Castro.

Ive been a socialist my whole life. But not all socialist govts are worth supporting.

In this case, Castros govt is everything we are against. Cant support Cuba just to say fuck America
You talking about BLM like right wingers do, its a movement not an organization. And Yes some grifters have co opted the movement for money.

BLM the organization is a real thing and separate from the movement.

What the fuck is you saying? Don’t play with me and associate my name with no fucking racist folks.
BLM the organization is a real thing and separate from the movement.

What the fuck is you saying? Don’t play with me and associate my name with no fucking racist folks.

Read my post again, I said the movement is seperate from the organization.
One life trumps the thousands - better yet, TENS of thousands - that Fidel had killed for speaking out against his regime?

Good to know.

I think the problem is that people who praise Fidel don't really care to acknowledge why he did some of those things. There is a good chance that he harbored black freedom fighters for no other reason than to give a middle finger to the U.S. There's also the possibility that he felt some solidarity with them because he was a rebel at one time too, but none of it means that he was a great guy.

The former president of Venezuela did similar shit. When the Bush regime was giving him problems, he gave cheap gas to poor neighborhoods in the U.S. as an "F U" to the American government.
One life trumps the thousands - better yet, TENS of thousands - that Fidel had killed for speaking out against his regime?

Good to know.

Fidel Castro also sent medicine and soldiers to Africa, was the first to support anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and trained thousands of doctors of Africa and Latino descent for free which Cuba does til this day.

Not only that, he eliminated legal segregation in his own country and eliminated illiteracy.

Did the Cuban government kill thousands of people, yeah, every single government on Earth has killed thousands of people. Governments kill people, that's like its main job, since they are the only entity that can kill people and get away with it 99 percent of the time.

The French Revolution, the thing that gave us modern democracy and civil rights, was established by killing thousands upon thousands of people who disagreed with it. The Russian Revolution, which created modern Russia was established by killings thousands and thousands of people that disagreed with it. The South African anti-apartheid movement killed thousands upon thousands of people that disagreed with it.

You think the US government said, "You know what, we gonna talk to MLK and Fred Hampton about this Civil Rights thing, we need some clarity on that..."

No they killed them, because that's it's role. It's to maintain order at all costs, and governments maintain order by violence.

Only reason why Fidel Castro gets mentioned as this monster is because Cubans that benefited from Americans in Cuba and sympathized with Batista got kicked out and they ran to America. Now they go on and on about how terrible Fidel Castro is and he ruined their lives, while majority of their country were illiterate and working in casinos and hotels, serving Americans.

Most of the developing world loved Cuba and Castro in it's prime. Cuba and Castro didn't become this terrible thing until the Embargo set in and the USSR fell.
So, he gets tens of thousands of passes then? Cause that’s what I’m reading here. NONE of that shit you posted absolves him from murdering THOUSANDS of his own citizens.

Please don’t try to practice law in the future.
So, he gets tens of thousands of passes then? Cause that’s what I’m reading here. NONE of that shit you posted absolves him from murdering THOUSANDS of his own citizens.

Please don’t try to practice law in the future.

George Washington killed thousands of his own countrymen and betrayed his king.

Thomas Jefferson wrote one of the most important documents of all time in the Declaration of Independence that has served as a beacon of human freedom, which inspired the French Revolution, which ones one of the most bloodiest revolutions in human history, while being a slave owner.

The world is shaped by killers and enslavers. It's not shaped by "good" people. Humans rights and civilization were established by people who were willing to kill for it. Countries were established by people who were willing to kill for it.

Got damn Toussiant and Jean Jacques Dessalines killed thousands of people, not only White people but other Haitians. Dessalines made himself dictator for life, but he abolished slavery and inspired Latin America to liberate itself from it's colonial masters and Black people in the Americas.

The world isn't made by people who tend to the sick and feed the hungry. The people who tend to the sick and feed the hungry are only able to exist because some asshole woke up and mowed down thousands to millions of people in his lifetime and justified it as a necessary evil for a better world.

Nobody saying Fidel Castro is a good guy because leaders of nations aren't good people, but saying, "Fidel Castro killed people and kicked people out of the country, he bad..." while he did all this good shit is some immature naive way of looking at the world.

When we live in a country that was established by a revolution and people betraying their own government and killing their own countrymen is like the dumbest thing. When our country kills thousands of people by pressing a button and have a press conference after. What I look like being appalled by Fidel Castro, knowing the history of the world?

Fidel Castro is like any other asshole in history that seized power of a government, he killed some people he thought deserved it, did some good things, did some bad things, got paranoid and lost it. Very few leaders of nations didn't lose it once they seized power. Castro got fucked over by Americans and loss his allies, fuck do people expect him to do? He gives up Cuba's sovereignty and become Puerto Rico?

How the fuck America gonna invade Cuba and then Americans turn around and be like, "How come Castro doesn't have freedom of speech in Cuba?"


You think the loyalist that had to run to Canada or England had nice shit to say about George Washington? People make Fidel Castro seem like Hitler or Genghis Khan, when he's no different than any other motherfucker that took power during a revolution.

Same Black folks that be loving crazy ass Shaka Zulu and be praising the Haitian Revolution be talking about how bad Fidel Castro is - make it make sense.
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Idk even know what's being debated anymore. The BLM statement was out of pocket, the Afro-Cubans are the ones basically running the protests and they themselves have said it ain't got shit to do with the embargo.

Yo it seems like I've upset HM The Queen Hotepy BS IV
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Idk even know what's being debated anymore. The BLM statement was out of pocket, the Afro-Cubans are the ones basically running the protests and they themselves have said it ain't got shit to do with the embargo.

Yo it seems like I've upset HM The Queen Hotepy BS IV

It's one of those times where people aren't accepting that multiple things can be true.

Castro's regime might have been overall bad for the Cuban people.

That doesn't meant that he didn't do things that showed solidarity with and was supportive of the African American struggle.

It also doesn't mean that the actions of America in response to its hatred for Castro's irreverence wasn't also bad for the Cuban people.